Neo Monster Transfer Help

Best monster to transfer to NEO

Shadow stalker - very good , it has bloodthirst , dream hunt , sleep

Gigarock - assured attack ( I’m not a fan tho)
Kamiwyrm (orb , small green thing ) - again has that assisted orb , create duplicate
Omegreywrym- if you have it

I went for golrock/Gigarock for last bite and life flip, otherwise i would go for Cryowyrm, Angelon and then Kamiwyrm.

And besides this topic has gone twice.
Heres the main one:

I went with cyrowyrm as literally the legendaries were hard to pull in hunter island & I didnt have time to run through the island & get omegawyrm

I transferred Cryowyrm because he’s always been my favorite monster and he’s an absolute powerhouse. As others have done, I recommend Gigarock, Cryowyrm, Kamiwyrm (Orbling, just play some PvP and get one from the rewards), Omegawyrm if you have it (Auto Poison, Poison Eat, and his ultra evo will probably have Poison Massacre), and Angelon.