i do something terrible wrong in the Team build :-/
Could someone please help me ^^IMG_2677.PNG
IMG_2681.PNGThis are my monster pls someone help :unsure:
What is your current team?
Uhm i can’t build you a new team but i may give you some tips
There is a nice combo you can make using Death Sentence guys (deucalizon and lunaverios), one on one (if you evolve snowja) and maybe a protector. That way you can keep your opponent asleep while waiting for death sentence to proc and then sweep with bloodthirst
If i were you i’d ultraevolve the snow ninja (because of 1on1) and the monster with team turn (the name is gearwholf i think).
DO NOT ultraevolve the death sentence guys, they don’t get better if ultraevolved (they actually get worse)
Ps in case you don’t know, One on One it’s a move that puts 3 enemies and 3 of you monsters (the ones that are not the user of the move) asleep. That saves you much time waiting for DeathSentence to trigger
F2P Cryo,did a great job helping on team input, I believe, I learned from reading his response! I think he has put you on the right track Helmchen! Best of luck to you!
You could combine ventokaizer, 400sec bomb see horse, stun absorber and a one on one guy in the frontline. Use a 1-2 stars one-on-one guy that you can catch in a dungeon or on islands. Use 1-on-1 and then reckless(?) attack and let it be killed by the opponent, then on 5th position use a epic or lower stated summon swarm guy, the summon swarm and on 6th the snow ninja enters the battlefield and can use throw. Now everybody should be awake, you can use survivor with ventokaizer and wait 80secs until you can use 400sec bomb, let the see horse explode and kill 4 enemies, on 7th is waiting a death sentence guy like suggested by cryo. Now use death sentence and then 1-on-1 with the snow ninja (once it is evolved), everybody is sleeping while ninja uses throw or bloodcrave (don’t kill the monsters on which death sentence is activated) and then use bloodthirst and so on… 8th position would be a healer I guess.
If you need translation into German I can help.