Need help beating Joanna Maedel...

Ive tried every lineup possible… here are my monsters.

You should seriously get to work on evolving them. Most 4+ monsters pick up a new, amazing asset when they hit their final form. They’re going to be worlds better in their biggest forms, trust me. And yeah, Don Penguini is incredible. Just take him and every stun bomber you have- without eggs, you can get stormfox, flufferno, island, seasteed, and raijin(evolve beetler too, he’ll gain it on his last form), stun the first four into oblivion, and set that bad boi loose.

Honestly just use nothing but penguini and spam last bite. It’s actually a viable strategy.

Have Don Penguini as your only monster, and use last bite to take out the most dangerous monsters first, and leave the weak ones which don’t have any bomb/poison surprises.

I beat all the game in 4 days only with penguini on my android account, and my strategi is to put just 4 monsters, penguini and 3 more that have accelerate team and stun bomb, you just have to accelerate once and then bomb all until you’re able to last bite, this way it is really easy

… OP much?

GG no re

You need to upgrade your hero rank and spend time ultra-evolving your monsters. That’s the key to getting any further than you are. It makes a world of difference having monsters that are capped and evolved.

If I remember correctly Captain Maedel was the fire elemented one?

Basically means earth(leaf) element is not recommended for that fight and water is your best friend,

I remember focusing on that as well as capitalizing on my capped(but not ultra’d) thunders/light/dark as they were neutral elements.

You can beat all of the big four with a stunbomb style with only 3 stunbombs and timestrikes.

Don’t be afraid to use more annoying combos too, like having a sleepbomb followed by a dreamhunter

or a poison massacre come in after a poison revenge.

Well seeing as we haven’t heard from him in a week I’d imagine he’s already gotten it down or quit.

Nope, she’s the water type, Torus was fire.