Moves with higher/lower TU compare to how should be






Nah its fine as is

Yes make maeve and sturg more disturbing to fight

Nah its fine as is

Stun protection! With it slayerstun is useless just build a team with adoqvate protection and BOOM SAFE



No. We talked about this.

Why you wanna break rhinoel bro? Did someone break your strat with a box?

Fair nuff

Yes make my arcticlaw mythic lvl worthy :eyes:

Nah im fine with it as is

Fair nuff

In essence i like some of them. And others are just dumb.


Never through I was gonna give like to one of ur posts

Yeah how can I not like u​:joy::joy::joy::joy:bruhhhhhhhhhhh I even think I wouldn’t say that lol! Proud of u

About the thread, nothing to say

Please people don’t personally attack DonT for his suggestions here. If you wrote a long list of ideas I bet a few would be questionable too!

@DonT89 I’ll reply to them all later. Like others here, I think it’s a mixed bag of some sensible/good changes with some others that definitely should not happen.



Those moves do not take into consideration special passives, those are standard changes I would like for it to be applied and you don’t have to evaluate them, I would like to know your ideas to improve the game.


I still wanna know where is the part where I ask you if you agree or not.

You gotta write your own ones :blush:

I did specifically ask to comment with what do you think is YOUR OWN list of moves you think needs more of less TU.

@Mr_Lokiiii I’ll add you to the list of people that need glasses, I added @Coltraz yesterday and I just added @EMI_PurpleHeart few minutes ago, I’ll present you all a visit next Christmas guys.
Because Idk where the hell you think I want Maeve buffed since I specifically wrote:

Normal conditions - Standard
Buffed - Increased stats.
Let me draw it down for you guys :blush:


I appreciated you stepping in to calm down the situation.
If you want to give your opinion about my changes is fine but ultimately I would like to know what changes you would make.
I am happy to discuss the changes I made if you give me a counter.

Guys I am very disappointed in you generally.
I wrote this thread for you to share your ideas and keeping getting critics over critics on my ideas.
I really was expecting to deal with more intelligent people rather than easy judgemental ones.

The only people I got something to read were:

@Unown (1 TU shield all discussion), is not much but definitely something! Thanks for sharing man.

@EMI_Eklypz (Devious Attack and AoE attacks) even tho he isn’t been very specific he shared his ideas, appreciated that.

I can see a lot of Christmas spirit here :christmas_tree::rofl: be good guys, if you are judgemental father Christmas will not bring you presents.

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that should rather apply to him, cause whoever does not agree with his weird views is spoiled, dumb or blind :sweat_smile:


Yes you are right :blush:

But I am already a lost soul, Father Christmas stopped seeing me long time ago.

I’ll reason my thing tho:

Spoiled because you commented the bits you didn’t like as “this is lunar” spoiled kids do that, most people would go “I don’t agree with this”

Dumb, not sure you are but sometimes you act like one. I think you are wasting your intelligence really by giving those kind of answers.

Blind, bringing in Maeve when I specifically wrote that NS did not apply to buffed monsters was a miss, so rather you didn’t see it, or rather you read what you want to read.

Peace and love bro.

Maybe should do another poll, that worked last time, didnt it? :thinking:

I’d like to preface this reply by saying that anyone replying to me must add their own suggestions or else they are blind, dead, and dumb. Any and all constructive feedback in response to my suggestions are hereby prohibited.

I agree with @DonT89’s suggestions for power slash, faststrike, blood drain, quell, pardon, survivor, and zealous attack. I am either neutral or disagree with the rest of the suggestions. I will not explain any of my opinions on these suggestions because constructive feedback is not allowed.

I think maeve’s f.d. instant shield all should be increased to 30/50tu and nullifying strike should be reworked to deal small damage to mons without revenge passives and critical damage to mons with revenge passives. Requiring iris and salvia as the only restriction in exchange for a somewhat high speed, focus sweeper with 11k atk and defense that can instantly shield your entire frontline is complete bulls**t and needs to be nerfed ASAP.

To add to the zealous attack suggestion, I think reckless attack should also get a tu reduction.

As for rhinoel, gift exchange+ isn’t the issue. The boxchomps need to have their damage reduced by at least 50%. This is coming from someone who got an easy top 3 just a month ago by abusing boxchomps and rhinoel’s ally sub ss with malwing.


this :point_up_2:

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You don’t have too explain anything regarding my list of suggestions if you don’t want to.

I agree that Maeve needs a nerf of damage on NS however that’s the only sweeping move she has to charge herself so my suggestion here is:

  1. Change the buff increase to 75% rather than 100%
  2. Change insta shield to 30 TU.

Reckless can go down to 70 TU for me.

I’ll take this as a biased comment due to the fact you are a user of it.

Nooo he’s actually right :sob::joy:

I’m sorry, what?? My suggestion for nerfing rhinoel weakens it so much more than the one you gave :joy: I barely even used gift exchange+ the time I got top 3 with it


Zealous to 130 agreed

Power Slash to 130 not 100, lesser damage for no recoil is a fair trade

Fastrike agreed

Baby Conversion agreed

Sbreak agreed

Kinslayer, Counter Strike should all be 100 TU, not 70

I am not arguing with your idea being good or bad or which nerf is more effective.

My “biased” thing is that you admitted being an user of the Rhyno-Mal combo so probably a 70 TU gift exchange fits your needs more.

Yeah, I remember last month when I took your 37 winstreak by clogging your team with deadweight and using ally sub on malwing. Gift exchange+ didn’t have anything to do with that. The problem with rhinoel is that literally everything about its moveset is S or S+ tier. The tokens it summons can’t be detonated without killing most of your lineup. It can’t even be ignored because it can remove tokens, one shot mid speed legendaries with a bit of luck, and can use ally sub to get a second entrance on something.

Absolutely not. The only reason I used rhinoel was because the boxchomp’s can’t be detonated without dealing a ■■■■ ton of damage to your allies. Rhinoel will be high S+ tier as long as the boxchomps remain so powerful.


I thought that you knew about the game a little bit, but I realized that I was wrong. You know absolutely nothing about the game.

Don’t mind me, I just feel this need to be against u and if I can be in @PurpleHeart side better, and actually is definitely stupid low the TU of nullifying strike, pretty much all monsters with that skill have buffed stats

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Need to laugh here now :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Looks like someone is illiterate now :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

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Save your beef for another post

@KING98 @NMEduck