Monster Ideas

Fair enough, tbh I might change that move to something like chain storm does 1500 damage splash damage to other opp arks with same element 130TUs

I was looking at ur guys Facebook page and saw three arks I haven’t seen or heard of before(not sure if they were rejected or something), and they were a giraffe, red bear thing, and a sweet looking ice bird. I want these to be put in the game, unless they were rejected, but I think it would be a nice addition.

skunk ark that can make foes attack other arks

Why a skunk?lol

Yeah, seriously. The idea is good, but the skunk…yeah. How about some kind of alpha? Like a hyena. We don’t have one of those yet. There are spotted ones and striped ones. How about one that has both. It could start out with stripes on the head, then turn into spikes on the back. The spots are at the thighs, and turn into flames/ice/smoke/somekindofelemental.

I know that beowolf is a wolf, but I think it looks more like a hyena.

Not really. Look up a picture and you’ll see the difference, trust me.

Is more like a shepherd dog for me

I want more dragons! Like a chinese dragon or holy/shadow version of omega wyrm

How about a Wyvern-esc Arkadian? It could have a bat-like appearance with giant tusks and fangs, along with a spiked mace tail. It could be average speed, but take hits well.

How about a rock panda? (edited panda in adobe fireworks)


Earth element version of the ninja/samaurai arkadions.




Artwork, and move would be influenced by sand:

Sandstorm - targets all eneimes, some damage(physical), reduces armour, slows 

Quicksand - target 2 enemies, medium damage(magical), significant slow (or high stun chance maybe?)

other moves:

metal slash



Tiberius already had an idea of a ground ninja, but I still like it

i thought someone probably would, its a fairly obvious one xD

Name: Chaoswrym. Request from CJT300. I apologize for the crappy quality, my table was really bumpy and I couldn’t make very straight lines. I’m gonna draw somewhere else now…

It’s not a crappy quality at all! You draw pretty awesome! Good job on both of them. :slight_smile:

Why did u take a picture of it sideways? I try to turn my iPad around to see it right but it turns the picture with it.pretty good from what I can tell!

Thanks. And I didn’t turn it sideways, it just turned out like that. It’s straight up I’m my phone, and I dunno why. I’ll try to figure it out.

So many request for dragons I refer set monster such as trio, quartet, duo, or even set of twelve such as Western and Chinese Zodiac. Make them compliment to each other. Many mythology monsters are in set.