I met Maggatoid in Balancion event. He has no star but his skill can instantly make all monsters on battlefield die indluding himself.
Whoah, never seen that monster,
no info on wiki either.
Is it obtainable?
He kills every poisoned monster on field. Thats why all died
Isnt released yet
I also meet Meggatiod in trails and revived him. You can see his movesets in attached image.
whaw… good info TNB iSegal & RAF Starlord…
Springolo has no star as well. So he is certainly some sort of summon monster.
Wonder if he is part of the whale? Like a barnacle? Under any case poison is getting a major buff…
Lmao Is Meggatoid’s move really called “toxic shock bomb?”
@vkc google “toxic shock” and let me know whether or not you guys will be renaming that move before the monster is released
Z19 GaryOak
Maybe it will be summon monster from a legend(revenge or maybe entrance summon).We will find out i guess in the near future!!!
Lol good catch!
No not a good catch! I’m steering clear of this one
Interesting how they have another shadow poison legendary coming. I guess they’re pushing for poison to stay viable in shadow and not just make it a link fire strategy. Or maybe it’s not your traditional poison legendary and instead just summons these maggatoids then has purify and poison revenge.
Shadow poison and shadow stealth. Not a great combo.
Basically it’s a reaction to a toxin.
Opps! This little cutie is leaked!
We will stick to it. What kind of Toxic shock did you see?
I tried to tell you but Zard deleted my post. Google “How do you get toxic shock syndrome” and see what comes up. (Hint: dirty tampons)
Z19 GaryOak
I told him in a PM lol.
Toxic shock syndrome itself has several causes, it’s just as common to get it from an open wound as a tampon AFAIK.
It’s kinda like calling it gangrene bomb. You wouldn’t want to Google it but you get the idea: toxic bad etc