Link Strategies

Hey guys! With the link buff in the update, i thought it might be cool to have a handy place to go to share and learn up on some cool link line ups!
The first I’ll share is a dark link frontline:
Drako, Zhulong, choco, talo. Tenebris at the 5 spot.
Love this line so far because of the versatility. Drako can protect or stealth for Zhulong’s link sneak. Talo gets everything going faster with accelerate. Stealth broken? Just protector convert talo for a free kill. Stun protected because of choco. Tenebris comes in and more stealth, more sneaks and he clones at full speed now. It feels balanced offensively and defensively. Definitely would recommend.

I’ll be adding more as I keep experimenting, but feel free to make suggestions or requests, or give completely new link line ups! Really excited to see what people come up with.

I’m still trying to find a way to use prisma link slayer bane all efficiently but not easy, midas is amazing with his link tt. I’d like to hatch ashtaur now, he is hard to stop once he is charged. 

Shadow link is far the best i can think off.

Im trying to find a good use for azura (water dragon), but couldnt find something truly good, just avarage stuff

The first I’ll share is a dark link frontline:
Drako, Zhulong, choco, talo. Tenebris at the 5 spot.

I don’t have Drako so what I’ve been using instead is Soulstealer. Of course it’s weak to sleep killer which is a big pain and there’s no protector but if you need a protector then you can convert Talo. The huge bonus of Soulstealer is the powerful sleep all. When accelerated that’s 94TU for me! Use it over and over then sneak attack any monsters which are awake. If things go bad then you link sneak attack all. You can also use DSA at some point if you wish to charge Soulstealer’s Bloodthirst or otherwise if there’s a space to do it quickly before a sleep all (it’s only 36TU to use).

I’m currently experimenting with Noxdragon instead of Talo to see how he does. Unfortunately there aren’t any tough PvE fights around for me to properly test it right now. Also, I had to use a couple of legendary pots to get him faster than Zhulong which was annoying.

What I’m really interested in are holy link FLs and fire link FLs. It would be good to see Ashterios used properly and to see what holy element may have to offer on the front line… maybe Aegis, Midas, Utopian and Delugazar?

Just so you know the holy bear SE got stealthbane bearware…

What is choco? Thanks


I’ve been running this thunder assist team the last handful of PVPs, it goes quite well but with the new link buff there’s probably a few non thunder elemental monsters I can use to improve it, any ideas?

Thank you! Interesting nickname ha

I’ve been running this thunder assist team the last handful of PVPs, it goes quite well but with the new link buff there’s probably a few non thunder elemental monsters I can use to improve it, any ideas?

Icono, I might try playing around with different protectors in the frontline since not all have to be air element. If you have sancti or gearcroc (for stun protection) could add a little different feel to get that bomb off quick. Maybe even something that can get rid of itself quick with canabalize if the other team has a Leo or utopion frontlined. Love the lineup though.

So far dark is by far winning. I’m running water mid-late game to see how that works but it’s hard to test. Anybody got a good water line?

Link water line is a Zzz setup and a bit hard to setup i need to try it out with
Link sleep bear idk is name

Interested to see how that works out. For water I’m leaning towards azur and polaboss with gearcroc, still deciding on the fourth. Link deathstroke is so good as a secret skill.

Its strong because its a sure fast kill, but i hate random moves. It can do you harm as well.

Maybe you could use the link sleep bear as the 4th? You could spam the link sleep move to disable a couple of opponents at a time. Dreamhunt would always be there if you needed it but mainly you could focus Azura killing off the bad ones which are awake and Polaboss will slowly charge up from attacking anything which is awake. I’m not sure how strong that would be and the random target is annoying but maybe the link bear could keep enough enemies asleep the enemy team can’t fight back properly.

However, the optimal choice would probably be Zib 4th and Wraithcaptain 5th. Zib uses cannibalise on itself as soon as it gets a turn or, if Gearcroc has been killed, double retribution. Wraithcaptain can then set up a minor sleep lock, enough for Polaboss and Azura to handle the rest. If they take out Gearcroc at the start you can protector conversion Zib, if they do it later then you can do it on a Wraithcaptain which has already cloned.

Just some ideas building off the posts here, not sure how good those would actually be in reality.

Hmm what does the link sleep water bear get when he’s ultra evolved?

Bloodcrave. Quite a solid addition.