Let’s talk about Scorpio

A lot of people had a problem with me complaining about canis when there’s an even bigger threat in one of the newest legends, Scorpiogeist. Everyone seems so eager to discuss him but no one’s come forward, so I figured why not honor my promise and kick it off? Hoping to appease all of y’all who are accusing me of having my priorities out of wack.

So… I have Scorpio. And just like canis, I’m gonna say he deserves all the flak he’s getting. I’ve been using a team that consists of Scorpio, pumpking, freezecobra and wickerchap for 1 Star sendback fodder, and of course bane in 5th. Funnily enough, the update that gave 0-3 star mons the ability to be bonused came right around the time I got Scorpio, and it’s what enabled me to use this strat at all; wicker wouldn’t have been able to feasibly outspeed Scorpio otherwise. Anyway, it’s proven to be rather brutal. Provided there’s no camo or hard poison counters, it’s not uncommon for me to clean up around 10 monsters before the enemy can even blink. True, megalo is very often able to take out Scorpio before he can do anything, but 90% of the time they don’t have a plan to deal with pumpking, who simply cleans up on Scorpio’s behalf and often opens the way for bane and flarevern to create more carnage. Sherloid is obnoxious to be sure, but Scorpio can still just switch to double eater and just give him the silent treatment, letting pump or cobra take him out before he can purify. It’s certainly not infallible though; things like scarleguard, centaureon, cyclozar, an overload of camo can make life very difficult for me, often teams that are simply designed to shut down fast destruction-based ones like mine just have no trouble cleaning me up.

I’d still like to speak on behalf of those who have less of a chance, however… I can’t imagine how painful it must be to have half of your team wiped in a split second, not to mention a single stun revenge can result in the punishment of losing 2-4 MORE of your monsters. It’s just downright cruel.

So, what specifically makes Scorpio so problematic? First of all let’s talk about his speed. He outclasses the other 4 massacre legends by a SIGNIFICANT margin(gazer a bit less so due to his passive), it’s no wonder that bringing a volatile move like massacre into the realm of 80-90 speed has had such devastating consequences. And then there’s stun converter; a similar story in that we’ve hardly had a mon with this passive that could do such a sheer amount of work in a single turn; valz, tygoron, canis, all able to claim 1 or even 2 lives in the right situation, but never 4, or for that matter 2 with such reliability.

So basically, Scorpio simultaneously pushed 2 boundaries at once that the devs wouldn’t have dared to cross 2 years ago. And that’s not even the only thing he’s got going for him; he’s inherited cobra’s all purpose poison support, he has an extremely reliable backup plan in toxic strike, which has extreme damage, helps to get around camo and pesky purifiers, and can be reused freely, and to top it off he stole vulca and pump’s trump card, gaining the ability to instantly undo a purifier’s desperate attempt to halt his advance. When running poison there’s simply no reason not to use him; he’s got pretty much everything you need. It’s honestly laughable how superior he is to the likes of terror, vulcaroth, mulasem, the classic APs, etc.

Again though, he ain’t unstoppable. The raw restriction forces him to expose himself at all times, and if a single sear, centaur, etc. shows up he’s done for. Chrono killer often isn’t even needed, since he’s quite frail and will die to basically anything that passes as “critical damage”.

So how do we fix it? Well like I said, his broken-ness is twofold, abusing his massacre and double eater with both his high speed and his stun converter. I personally feel the speed should be higher priority, since that’s what allows him to seize control of the fight so rapidly in the first place, and only then subsequently abuse stun converter. I feel like 50s are for sure a more reasonable range, it’ll take away megalo’s niche of dealing with him but it’ll give Scorpio SO many more monsters to be afraid of. He can probably keep stun converter honestly, the built in chrono killer weakness helps to provide a clear and reliable solution for taking him out, unlike certain other monsters(cough dusicyon cough). “Downgrading” it to stun immune could make him more of a pain to get rid of. I think what else could happen is a modest TU increase; I don’t like the way he intrudes on Terror’s niche of rapid fire massacres. Between supplying his own immediate source of poison and having converter to fall back on on top of the low TU, I really don’t think this is a resource Scorpio needs. 130’s probably ideal, or perhaps 160 to match up with toxic strike. Why not lol.

Interested in what everyone has to say!


just putting restriction on his raw double poison eater would solve the entire problem not useable in the first 50 seconds of the game forcing him to use posion gas or restricting it like team turn only usebale after the 50 seconds.


Hmm… tbh it feels really weird to impose that on only his version of double eater and no one else’s. I don’t want the established rules of the movesets to become downright inconsistent just for the sake of knocking one monster down a peg. That aside, there is some merit to that idea. Although I feel it can be seen as a more convoluted version of the speed decrease solution… we can simply do that and have largely the same result.


I swear all of these let’s talk about threads turn toxic fast. Magma, Angel, bloom, canis now this. I’m tired of all of these honestly.

Also the massacre is weak and doesn’t one shot everything.

We never see buff threads, it’s always this is op nerf it. Maybe if we buffed things like valentines bear, gloreonix, and a whole host of other underwhelming limited legends we wouldn’t need to nerf things to get balance.


True, but double eater does make a very convenient backup option, and allow you to focus on key targets as well as deal better damage.

Sorry if it’s getting a little tiring btw, it just seemed like everyone was kind of fed up with him so I wanted to try and be impartial with my judgement.

Oh, and I’m absolutely on board with buffing things. I’ve been thinking about reviving that buff thread I made a long time ago, just haven’t had the time to put into it. By all means, would love to discuss some of the possibilities sometime.


dont worry they will make them non limited so then they dont have to give them a buff. (Cough cough razien etc)


Thank you for saying this, I’m genuinely sick of all the nerf threads popping up. Truth be told, a minor speed tweak would be all it needs, but it won’t be good enough for those who want it nerfed into uselessness.


Lol of course I don’t want to go that far with it, I have him after all :stuck_out_tongue: I’d like to use him without feeling guilty about it, you know?

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Then don’t be guilty about using it? I honestly don’t get this whole “Oh it’s not noble to use so and so monster/strategy”; stuff like this is why I didn’t get as worked up as other people did when they used BB/AP Spam or whatever op strategy was all the craze back then. It’s a competitive game, feel free to use whatever the hell you want without feeling guilty about it.


Yeah It’s a game and use whatever you want. @Lucrayzor is already doing that anyway. His guilt isn’t strong enough to stop him from using Scorpiogiest. He is happily slaughtering unprepared people with it lol


Scorpio is fine. A counter was just released in the Christmas egg. Just roll

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Yeah glaciaron is a complete hard counter to scorp fl’s right? If you can get a kill with instant toxic killer and charge raw bloodfury, that’s two kills or more depending on stun.

Buffing old legends to the current level is a bad idea, then there would be no range to strategize since every monster now does 2 kills when it gets a turn. That’s also the reason why camuflage is so popular lately.

Every team I come across already feels the same (with the only exception of @squinty1880’s), and that would just make things worse.

Creating a counter meta is also bad, and we kind of already have one, the game would just become (more) rock-paper-scissory and nobody has fun with that. See Overwatch for example. Besides not everyone can roll for every monster and not every team can run every counter.

Plus I remember in LINE reading: “someone needs to bite the bullet and run Twig to stop the AP spam”. Like sure, it was probably a joke, but it still shines some light in what a counter meta would bring. Wack.

Personally I’d like all these new overpowered monsters to just be nerfed to have a niche, instead of being just better than every other monster at what they do, or worse: same-y with other top tiers. Think Magma: he could have been the wildcard, an extremely fast sweeper that’s hard to stop but has to target at random. Now people run it because dual slayerbane + stun immune and hg. How boring.

Scorpiogeist has a huge amount of potential because it does 2 things: it helps mitigate poison’s speed weakness and it creates the first poison monster with Stun Converter. The developers should work with one of these and create a set of active moves that fit that, not just lazily making everything outclass everything that was there prior.


At the end of the day, the devs need to make a profit off this game, and overpowered monsters are a surefire way to get people spending on egg packs. Besides, most of the really troublesome monsters get nerfed after a couple months since their first debut.


And that’s what i call a fraud they sell you something good just to destroy it 2 months later


Even as a scorpio owner, I would say scorpio could do with a slight nerf, like what other suggested maybe a 50 or 100sec restriction from the start of battle. I don’t think a reduction in its speed is good, scorpio is intended to be a quick lethal sweeper so it should stay that way.


Yeah, If I wasn’t F2P I would be fuming.


They should imply a system like hearthstone.

When a card is nerfed you get full dust value back which unables you to craft another card this method works really well for the players and design team because it gives the developers the freedom they need to balance the game out and actually bring powerful monsters to the game since if these monsters went out of hand they can balance them easly while keeping the playerbase very happy.

And the players that were affected by the changes can dust their monsters for full value so what ever they have spent they can gain back the full value and grab another monster.

In neo monsters they could do the same strategy where you can sell monsters in the shop to AI for tickets when a monster is nerfed you get 12 6star tickets which unables you to purchase monsters in the shop.

The shop should be updated every week to include the monsters in the banner.

Will this ever happen properly no because this game is turning into a greed fiesta.


This idea is too good to be true but we can always hope :sweat_smile:

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Ive seen this type of strategy in multiple card games,

Gwent , something Shadow card game etc

Literally these games are the best card games ive played

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