Legendary help

Hey guys, I’m kinda noob in this game :slight_smile:
I just got my first omegamid, finally…
Just wanted your advice wich monster to upgrade.
This is what I got


Appreciate the help, tnx.

It is up to you to be honest if you run a stun team thn evolve nightlord if not thn sanctistag for a sleep team :slight_smile:

Trade me sanctistag for 5 omegamid :joy::joy:

I think twin killer is good,also nightlord

Others are good as well

Also sanctistag looks op with his moveset

Nightlord is your best bet. His stunning entrance turns to shocking entrance and it doubles the stun it does when entering

Nightlord does sound like the best choice, also how do u have devilborg?, thats a really old super epic, back on the second or third ever pvp

Nightlord. 100%

I had the game for long time and stopped playing after awhile… just came back 2 months ago…
Thx for the help guys.
I have a sleep team, so I still thinking if to go on nightlord or sanctistag. For now still gathering silver :slight_smile:

no nightlord if the enemy team has stun absorb then it would be a waste.i would say sanctistag  ,shadowhunter and then the fire legend for hp sharing.shadow hunter will get holdground so with hp sharing it will be good.so frontine shadowhunter ,santistag ,fire legend with hp sharing(he he dont know name) and with super epic protector for stun protection, stealthing the protector can remove the effect of stunflash.

I agree with what Supreeth said but instead of an SE protector put choco if you have him

Who should I evolve first?
omegawyrm or bahamud
Would not evolve burnsalot now because his double energy burst kills 2 enemies easily so no point evolving him and increasing his total cost,as such my team total is only 153.
I also have nebelronix and lavafeather but I don’t want to evolve them now.
Have mechaviathan.

Evolve Baha

Baha works well with bunsalot, they both rely on rockoids


Bahamuzar. Then burnsalot. Hold ground increases survivability a ton.

Burnsalot is excellent! Frequently gets 4-8 kills if done right. No one likes shadowhunter here? Lol

im a big fan of shadow :slight_smile: evolve him then shiva