help me to choose which legendary evolve please :)

hey guys !

first of all sorry for my poor english,
i have some legendary monsters, but wasn’t able to win an omegamid to evolve them.
today i made the omegamid event (i thought it was possible to gain several megamid but apparently we can have just one) and i dont know on which legendary i should use it…

i spend a lot of time to read topics on this forum, to learn from your experience, but even if i try to make a good team (based on sleep for example) i can’t succeed Sb battle and win other omegamid…

can you give me some advice ? =)

thank you and good game !! !


edit : i don’t know if you can see the picture uploaded
leg : hydroloch, coalknight, biledragon, tigerdrake, venodrake, geargant, necrowing, grovodon, shieldwyrm, darkrider


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I’d say shield, veno, tiger in that order

concerning Biledragon, can he stay efficient enough without evolving ?

i made evolved shieldwarm (your advice convinced me in my choice) but i dont understand why with thoose legendary i can’t succeed extreme scb. in my front line i use geargant for death sentence, loch for sleep, gigasect for bomb sleeping and aegisdragon for protecting the team. in 5th come esapizeron for stun protection and the skill which hide others monsters

thank u

Swap loch and esap. Sleep bomb -> incoming dreamhunt

Biledragon gets poison massecre when evolved. Not something you want to pass up on.

Hi Need also help. Cant figure out witch to evolve First?

Fox bro

ok i will. should i put some other monsters with sleep all ?
i saw a lot of team were they take monsters with 400sec bomb, but it is not risky to make spawn 4 new ennemis at the same time ?