
That guy is trash. I use him in a poison team and while his toxic enterance and 42 tu link poison eater is amazing the damage on it is pitiful. In recent SCB extreme lvl. 2 it only did 1/4th damage to metatherion. Devs can we increase this or replace it with double poison eater link.

Lv2 is buffed

All poison eaters do bad damage at buffed pve, even not 1 shotting sometimes at pvp, shat did you except?

Keeperdragon is great for pvp (not ment for pve), i use him alot and he 1 shot most monsters at 42 TU (unaccalarated). Thats better then some legends (ahm trivia with 200 TU attack that is much harder to setup)

Yeah but in the same battle the fire plant one shots two enemied. Just asking for a little buff. As there has been no pvp in ages I can’t text him out right now

It’s a 50 sec poison eater, of course it has to deal less damage. Keeper is an ok se and can do a great job in pvp.
The se that needs a buff are the hiberzor and virrabit.

I remember when we had the stun immune PvP and people ran teams with Keeperdragon, Volcavenus and other fire monsters. Keeperdragon swept through teams super fast with 34s link poison eater that one-shots any weaker legendary.

Volcavenus is better in general because that link double poison eater is more like the super high damage of the double poison eater but Keeperdragon has the faster move and toxic entrance.

Both these are great, balanced SEs. Your issue is with poison damage, not with Keeperdragon specifically.

Yea. And keeper is more versatile, being able to protect too

Do you know why some people call me “Keeperdragon?” @anon65219497


No. Ialso dont know why people call you aegisdragon, banedragon or a human being.