KD's Legendaries/Mythics listed + stats

Storm legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Albakhan Alba beast stan atk 59% 16Y
Bundam - robotic round 94% 15Y
Bunkerbeast Bunker robotic round 87% 16Y
Caesardragon Caesar dragon round 48% 16N
Centaureon Centaur beast stan atk 58% 15S
Chromera Chrome robotic stan atk 42% 16S
Cosmodragon Cosmo dragon full atk 32% 15S
Cybereon - robotic full atk 68% 14Y
Dolphoone Storm Dolph demon round 73% 16S
Doomgoo Goo demon full atk 66% 14Y
Drakozord Z Drako robotic stan def 82% 15S
Galvbishamon Galv beast full atk 89% 16S
G.F. Lily Lily humanoid stan def 57% 15Y
Goldtail Gold beast full atk 25% 16S
Gryphking Gryph bird stan def 76% 16Y
Leogeist Leo phantom round 99% 16S
Lunartic Luna phantom round 23% 15S
Malwing Mal bird full atk 44% 16Y
Motordragon Motor robotic full atk 50% 16Y
Nauticruiser Nauti robotic stan atk 91% 15Y
Padrinorca Orca aquatic full atk 73% 16Y
Raizen - humanoid round 66% 16Y
Razorstorm Razor robotic full atk 40% 16S
Rexterminator Rexter robotic stan def 79% 14Y
Sephileon Sephi angelic stan atk 39% 16S
Shurikaizer Shuri robotic stan atk 69% 14Y
Sir. Lancerat Lance beast stan atk 36% 14Y
Staticsphere Static beast stan def 48% 16Y
Stormoth Storm Moth bug full atk 61% 16-
Stratustrike Stratu bird stan atk 82% 15Y
St. Togala Toga / Koala angelic full def 71% 15Y
The Godfeather Godfeather bird full atk 55% 14Y
The Penguinator Peng robotic stan atk 35% 16S
The Saintfeather Saint bird stan atk 52% 16S
Trimaegus Trima beast stan atk 65% 16Y
Tygoron Tygo dragon stan atk 60% 16S
Vigziarid Vigzia reptile stan def 40% 15S
Xanacorn Xana phantom full atk 80% 16Y
Zephyrin Zephy phantom stan def 82% 15Y
Zeuswyrm Zeus dragon stan atk 99% 15S

Storm mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Auraleus Aura dragon round 84% Y 16Y
Ayna - humanoid full atk 86% N 16N
Cynthia - humanoid round 50% Y 17S
Cypridrus Cyprid dragon stan def 64% Y 16Y
Deus X Deus robotic round 36% Y 15Y
Don Rilla Rilla beast stan def 49% S 16S
Haneri - humanoid round 60% Y 16S
Hawknight Hawk bird stan atk 81% Y 17S
Hu Shin - humanoid full atk 64% Y 16Y
Lemon - humanoid stan def 26% Y 16S
Majorie Major humanoid full def 35% Y 16Y
Nikki - humanoid full atk 97% Y 16Y
Prixis Prix humanoid round 85% Y 16S
Rodeknight Rode beast stan def 40% Y 15Y
Sepheris Seph humanoid stan atk 40% Y 17S
Tenguko Teng humanoid stan atk 59% Y 16Y
XYZ-999L XYZ robotic stan atk 80% Y 16Y

