Kamiwyrm vs Shiny Kamiwyrm: Secret Skill

Hi All,

Just wanted to check if there were anyone facing the same issue. Pre-unlocking of secret skill, Shiny Kamiwyrm had deahwish listed as its secret skill. After unlock, it changed to instant protector killer.

Is this intended? Or is it bugged?

Images attached for ease of reference.

Same happened to me!
It is just buggy… During a fight u get death wish as SS


We are sorry for the mistake. This issue will be fixed in the next update.

Shiny version monsters should be exactly the same as regular ones.

Why though? What’s wrong with a little variety?

Personally, I would have preferred that they not be new monsters, but rather a “palette swap” that needs to be unlocked somehow (new ingredient maybe). The devs don’t need to worry about new Index # etc.

Thanks for the clarification, VKC.

I would love to but they are very hard and rare to obtain. It would be unfair if they are special (or stronger) from other Legends. 

Instant protector killer kamiwyrm isn’t necessarily stronger than the normal one.

Due to typing it’s still weaker than shadowyrm. So why not in this case?

If they are very rare and hard to obtain then why can’t our bonus transfer to them and if the secret skill is unlocked? I just got shiny shadowstalker but my original is +4 from dupes (thanks) so as much as I want to use the shiny one over the original there’s no incentive to as it’s at 0 instead of +4

Could be nice if a shiny monster will be as a dupe, meaning it will add +1 to your original monster, plus change it apearance (or give an option to choose from these 2 skins)

Good point. Noted.

Thanks VKC.

I would love that

my shiny is warming the bench due beeing +0