It's not myst the problem

So lately myst was a serious problem and a lot was requesting a nerf for him (asking for raw , or camouflage entrance ) , and i was thinking the same , but after carmilla got featured again a lot awakned her and they are using the same stategy (carmilla in fl with ,3-4 AP spam behind ), soo shoulf we also ask for a nerf for carmilla?? Nooo a nerf for myst noo , we cant nerf every good or op monster in the game lately devs made a lot of tanky monsters that even true hit can’t kill , and actually there is nothing that offer solution in the right meta , and those people knows that , thats why they dont care and spam 3-4 AP , if you look at the game every startegy has its own benefits and risks , and counters for example:
1- Sleep : very op strategy that give you advantage and control, but has its own risks (sleep killer, nightwatch , and of monsters that have purify can screw it
2- stun : also a key startegy where everything is related to taking the turn first ,but again we have countershock , stun killer , stun absorbers chrono monstrs everywhere and stun blockers
4: poison also the same : peircing no hold ground and prevent you from a lot of revnege stuffs , but we have defang move who start to be common, poison killer and putify
And there is other stuffs
But AP spam start to be a problem and some op players have already tanky mythics : like carmilla , and maeve , and legendaries like shika and Poseidon, add to them 3-4 spam they use , and its over you cant get over them , as i know we have 2 monsters with guardian execute (maybe more i dont really know ) first ankou dragon who had low speed and a lot of weakness , who is really easy to deal with him , annoying passive where he comeback , but still easy for top players to deal with him , second twigol a super epic that barely no ome use im high tiers pvp , so as i said every startegy has its own benefits and risks but what risks does has AP spam ?? Nothing , 0% , all benifits , even dragulus can be hardly countred but skeleviathan or a death revenge from musashoid , also he cant deal with that amount of protectors ,
Actually nothing counter AP spam and it start to really create unbalanced stuffs lately ,
So i really think devs should offer solutions againt the AP spam before everything, a new monsters with good moves and high speed with guardian excute or anything where AP spam users can be hardly punished like any other strategy in this game


Adding a new mon to counter the entire meta won’t really solve it, look at artic and aoi, they counter link fire hard but still didn’t dissuade people from actually using link fire. It took another patch for link sba and instant poison gas to make people use it less and revert back to super tanky stuff hiding behind ap. Making myst raw in itself will dissuade people from doing so.

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Forgot to add that even with myst currently, which is prob why this thread exists, it can’t kill maeve, carmilla and even a fire pos. Defence of those mons being buffed so high basically defeats the point of bothering with true hit in general. A lot of people are just spamming their uc team because they can’t kill those mons in one go anymore

Soo we will make every tanky monster raw ? Loke shika carmilla Poseidon ? :neutral_face: , for me i still on the same idwa i think AP spam should have counter , cuz its the only startefy without any and 0 risk

The only solution to this is that the devs stop letting ankou dragon reincarnate till at the end of the team, yea devs he’ll be really useful there, nice, splendid. Also why is malwing, sobeking, runeconqueror always sleeping chrono monsters.

There is a 5 star Aviaeronix, though thats the only good one.

Im okay with dealing with awakned carmilla shika , and high defence stuffs , its already hard but still challenging, but THE true problem is the AP spam honestly , if it start having a serious counter some of serious unbalanced stuffs will disappear

This happened just few minutes ago :sweat_smile: , i had total control in the game , and razor was about to get turn , and killing angelion with union attack will let me win , but unfortunately razor slept, and angelion could made a big comeback killing all my stun revnge monsters , yeah there is something wrong with sleep entrance hitting always the most important monster in your team

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I see I’m not the only one noticing this. Maybe sleep entrance might be the best strategy in the game.

Something just came across my mind @Dev_VKC a double walbreaker move will be great and a good counter

There’s Wrecking Ball but only Nagandia has it

This cannot be true because I love using Dreamy Entrances and I always feel like they never hit the intended target.

Which leads to the conclusion: we tend to notice things a lot more when they do not go in our favour


That’s a good move , sadly only her has it , and awakned form i think

Yea second form has Assassinate.

giving specterfox a raw camouflage flail and increasing the speed of suikenshi in second form are key for me apart from no need for new monsters

it’s done on purpose I think, sleep touches the most dangerous monsters to avoid imbalance, such as the enraged novadrake which always sleeps in my sleep entrance because if it was not the case I lose the fight it is on

Seriously u asking nerf to my team cause I beat ur âss so bad?:joy: U asking nerf for Carmilla when just a few ppl use her, monsters that need nerf are meta ones , Carmilla is op yes, I will be agreed with the 50TU skill->70TU nerf but not more, cause in the end only a few uses her, is just like Sakuralisk , actually only a few uses her/him but she have an skill that sleeep pretty much all when it say 20% and have like 80% lol


I don’t think it can be done on purpose… How would they even manage to code it? How can the CPU detect the “most dangerous” enemy in the field, when there’s so many factors at play?

I feel like it’s just a matter of bias. If Dreamy/Tranquilizing Entrance hits a monster that doesn’t actively play a huge role in your team (like the average Stun Absorber, whose utility is mainly passive), you’re much less likely to notice that, since it had a low impact on your team.

When your main sweeper/Stun Converter gets hit though, that’s bad news and it’s gonna help swing the match for sure.

In conclusion: Sleep sucks, as a dice throw can decide whether you get a strong monster out of play for 300sec or not, and that’s extremely stupid. Worst kind of RNG


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Actually your AP spam sucks like all your teams ,there is a hundred of players doing it much better, i didnt loose to that carmilla ,or AP spam but to the stun in the end because i was counting on spectre to protect me but unfortunately spectre died from the first time and didnt revive , if he just revived one time and absorb that volca entrance you would have lost


increase the damage of the real strike, or sensillamente que no lo affecte los buff de defenza y osi oos escudos (the idea is not to give excessive force, only that it will not interfere with the damage and a potentiation of statistics)
y si van a nerfear poceidon, devilelvan tickets, los f2p no tenemos muchos ni de 6 estrellas