It's getting old and tiresome

Well, it’s not funny anymore. Getting tired of losing against players withouth any strategy and weak arks just because of crazy BAs.
Waited 10, 15 minutes for a battle just to see the opponent have a BA to literally EVERY single ark.

I cannot believe that its been 3, 4 months since we first heard from the update.
It can’t possibly be that difficult to release small fixes for the moment.
Every app I have had at least 3 updates in the same time frame.

Can anyone please say anything about what is going on?

Not a single idea of when its coming? Has it been sent to apple yet?

Come on, somebody has to know something.

Here’s the thing

There are only four Devs atm (soon to be six)

The update they are working on got to be far too big for this game, so it’s being split into a sequel

There will still be an update with the bug fixes but some personal (but happy) things have come up that demand attention, knocking down the already small team.

On top of that, they are recoding the entire game on a new engine

At least Ryan has been making attempts to fix the lack of contact between the forum and the Devs and hopefully the rest of the Devs will follow suit as soon as they can

Btw probably already asked or answerred before… Just can’t remember…

If there’s no plan of adding more content, more storylines etc, & updates are only to fix bugs, why do they need to re-code the whole game???

They’re re-coding the engine, not the game. All of their games are based on the same engine. The re-coded engine will be used in the new game, I presume.

My mistake

Anyway, the major content we will see will be for PVP and bug fixes.

Past that, I don’t think anything else is set for this game

Can’t wait for there to only be 1 BA ha. Just played against someone who got 2+ BA’s on each attack. Needless to say it was a hopeless battle.

I fought a guy 3 hours ago, he had like 23 ba’s, 10 of them with stegospike ahahaha my entire team stunned forever.