is there any chance of getting repeated legendry?

about egg

about egg

Of course,that’s the only reason top player didn’t get all( I think ).
I already got 3 dupe and the worste part is I’m f2p and 2 of 3 was epic!! :frowning:
Just save gem and open 10 in 1 and hope for best.if you can resist,save for 150.this way you know at least one leg is guaranteed.

hey dear way hatch 50. in previous festival  i hach 6 egg . i 2 legendery, shadwyrm and darkozord z and 2 super epic bightwyrm and sharknight. now yesterday i am going to hatch 3 rd egg  lets which i get, preivosly during terragar i get my 3rd legendery emerlandus

Really?I must say lady luck must be fall in love with you,nice legs and hope you find another leg.I personally don’t like all leg,but must agree those you got are really nice ones.:slight_smile:
Have fun buddy

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