Ingredients farming.

This was touched upon in the feature request thread but I feel like it needs a dedicated one.

I really hate the fact that players with Mythics, fully evolved legends and High HR have to grind ingredients such as monster ingredients, deage fruits and silver.

I can understand it from a new to intermediate player point of view in order to manage their progression, but for established players it’s just a complete waste of time and not enjoyable.

You go into a dungeon, you face a bunch of 1 star monsters which poses no challenge at all to your legends and myths and you have to do this multiple times.

There must be a better way than having us repeatedly undergo these boring, simple matches for experienced players. Something to farm quickly and without repetition.

It may not be an issue for the PvE lovers, but for those who don’t play much PvE, it’s killer.

Do you enjoy grinding for ingredients?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


grinding was never meant to be enjoyable

But other games nevertheless manage to make it so. It isn’t impossible, just ask any mmo player

I think most ingredients are 95% in stock once you’re hero rank 150+. To once in a while get a specific standard ingredient isn’t that much burden. And somemore, once you have a huge collection, the less new monsters you’ll pull.

I think silver quest is very quick, so it’s OK, and I cannot really say that I have to grind a lot of youth fruits too, there are usually enough in stock from the friend chest/events.

But I don’t enjoy grinding for Crystalmouth or even worse the Cryptamid, that’s just very annoying. Luckily it’s usually enough stock from events too.

So I’ll vote No, I don’t like grinding, but I’m actually OK with the standard ingredient quests.

If you play PvE. You probably have more ingredients than PvP focused players

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That’s definitely true, I dislike PvP, so I’m really playing mainly PvE and only do 40k / 50 wins in PvP to get the most ingredients.

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I think the farming aspect of neo fit the game better in the early days. Now with so many ingredients and mythics that take a lot more resources, the farming system just hasn’t aged well.

My solution here would be to just let us have more training points and make the super power up event happen more frequently tbh



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I would grind my A55 out for Alteramids.


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I know I’m a couple of days late to this but this problem is very specific to people who choose not to play PvE. If you do the PvE events then as an experienced player (i.e. slower rate of getting new monsters) you get more than enough ingredients from events. The only effort you have to put in is farming silver (basically do special farming event when it comes) and get training points (this one would be fixed if they ever increased the max to 200).

In the past I would’ve said “if you choose not to play any PvE then it’s your own fault”. However, I think it’s fair that some people do the game just for PvP. If a solution for them could be found, that would be nice.

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