Hunter Island > Neo Monsters

In my personal opinion the creators of Neo Monsters & Hunter Island caved into the age of In App Purchases. Unlike in Hunter Island without Gems you cant get a damn thing in Neo Monsters most is probably a 3 & a half star. No more grinding & collecting every monster this is pure Luck or money spending for those willing to spend it. I could imagine how horrible the pvp will be. More no talent dudes who spend hundreds of dollars to get good. Its like they threw everything that made hunter island great out the window & said forget our fans lets make some money, The plot is wack the better monsters are unattainable unless you have good luck & manage to pull a legendary by using gems, ultra evolving takes forever because you need silver & gold keys to obtain enough money & materials to ultra evolve, you only get 3 silver & 3 gold keys & if you wanna refresh them without waiting 24 HOURS (for only one key) you have to pay a gem to do so (not worth it considering every monster in the wild blows & the game forces you to pull a legendary otherwise you’re fxcked) so far all ive gotten are duds & this game is a waste of time I dont recommend anybody pay a dollar for it yes a dollar part of me wishes i wouldve bought a bag of chips with that dollar. I recommend going back to hunter island you can actually work towards building up your team & not getting lucky like in neo monsters, while hunter island also has in app purchases it doesnt make it neccesary for you to need them. You can literally collect every monster in hunter island without spending a penny, unlike neo monsters you need to spend money to even beat the story mode, unless you get lucky on the gems they give you which is very rare, The problem here is that at the beginning of the game the developers have the nerve to put “You dont need to spend money to collect these monsters its an option for those who want to collect the monsters quicker” or something along those lies, geez thats a slap in the face I dare someone to find one monster higher then a 3 1/2. Not possible

Alot of the features and more chapters aren’t out yet, you can’t tell them they failed their game when it isn’t even completed yet.

Closed as a duplicate of the topic located here.