How's that possible??

One doubt I wanted to ask from long time guys,when we play online matches,(at “select a friend” situation,I see many ultra-evolved rare legendaries with secret skills unlocked and I confuse at one point that their player rank is so so so rank12,10…Now tell me how the hell is this possible?:dizzy_face::dizzy_face:


It’s a nonhackable stuff!I mean rare legendaries.btw your account will be banned if you tried to hack it I think

Yeah it will. Easiest way to tell if they are hacked is if they have halved speed but are ultra evolved. There is a hack that lets you catch opponent’s monsters which is how they get them. Captured monsters like that always have half speed.

Capture them? That sounds harder than just hacking them in

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We are actively banning hackers and cheaters.