
I just came across those fully evolved legendary owning players on hero rank 20, which is just insane given that they should not be able to even get the ingredients.

Can anybody explain me HOW that might have been possible?

Dunno. btw that rookie is also on my list.

they are hacked accounts with a modded APK on android. you can see their fully ultra’d form does not have their stats maxed.

a ban wave happens around every 2 weeks to get rid of them. it would be too pressing on the system to run it every day.

Only during event times like Ultimate Challenge the scan is run on a daily basis. there are some loop holes to the scanning system but they are being patched up and improved upon daily.

Moreover the development teams performs manual checks to ensure no hackers will get through if requested by players.

Yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of tridrakhans too. Maybe someone managed to distribute that particular mon illegally too.

I assure you illegally acquired legends can not be used in Online content. Only offline can illegally captured monsters be used unless they received the base monster in an egg.

I’m Rank 42 now, but I’m pretty sure I was still in my 20’s when I got an Omegamid from the recent Lavacub event.  It took tons of tries, but I eventually managed to beat floor 50.  I’d already gotten the other materials for Tiamazus along the way, so I had him fully evolved at a fairly low rank.

yes there are lot of them and most of them have their speed not maxed out

It’s been one week that the shared monsters list is full of beginners, sometimes with ultra evolved legendaries at rank 6. Btw my friends don’t appear on the list. Is this happening to anyone else ?

Yes! One time I only had 3 people, one wth chronox and two with the timestriking thunderzebra ;-;

As of today it is back to normal.