How to use drakozard z

I recently hatched & ultra evolved a drakozard z.
My fl is currently SS lava epic protector and epic 1on1. I use stun/poison endgame. I heard that drake is a good monster, so where and how should I use him?

He is great especially after recent far as I know he is a fl type monster.your fl needs changing if you want to put him at fl,you will need absorber and if you put bitter there will be no room for 1on1.
If you ask my opinion, forget 1on1 and go for drak at fl,put bitter and support your def with stun/healer so ss get enough time for DSA.

F2P Arash

Tbh he can fit pretty much anywhere in a team, I know a lot of people use him front line for the quick stealth against bane and raizen but I’ve used him closer to the end of the team as a counter against penguinator.
Basically set him up with a sweeper and he’s a brick wall.

People like him in FL because he can counter a lot of common FLs with his high speed and purifying mist. SS, Deo, Bane, Raizen, you name it.

Z19 GaryOak

Drakozard z, think I will join the Zard fanclub next UC!

Is lava an alternative to a stun absorber?

Kind of.

Stun absorber is more reliable for stun protection, but TT helps with killing and sleeplocking.

So what should I use for my fl?
I have SS, lava, drako, tia, omega, dolph, shocking entrance, tri, chronozzeros

Depends on what you are going for. Both have strengths and weaknesses.

Gives you an extra 2 sleep alls if you want to use team turn for it, however, shocking entrances will be a problem after DSA. Alternatively
After DSA goes off his megabomb has 80 seconds before it goes off.
Generally riskier than a stun absorber because TT can only be used once.
However, if you save the TT for after DSA, then you can get 7 kills or more and still have a drakozord wall they have to get through.

Stun absorber(that isn’t chocolate):
Absorbs all stun after DSA
Splits damage with drakozord Z if you protect teammates.
Extra stealth on top of mist.
Safer, but sleep lock is harder due to the fact you have 2 protectors and SS is by himself(mostly).
Taken apart by assassinate.

I’m going to try SS, lava, drako, choco