I just got arky from the reward from capturing 101 arkadions and evolved it to arkwing but I am still not sure how to use it in battle efficently, is there any arkadions I can put with it to make it efficent
Put it in ur lineup as one of ur first 3 go to a random spot, tap it and have fun with using him
I just got arky from the reward from capturing 101 arkadions and evolved it to arkwing but I am still not sure how to use it in battle efficently, is there any arkadions I can put with it to make it efficent
You are referring to normal battle or pvp?
normal battle there’s not much strategy around him, he’s strong enough to not get any protection.
for pvp, he’s one of the best for pvp… use his tail bash (100 TU) when you want to save TU, when enemy hp is very low & u just want to kill it without consuming much TU
Use its Tachyon, when you want to OHKO elementless esp minespider or weak defense arks.
Supernova, power aoe
Beastbane, great against beast like vegitiger…
What arkadions to you pair up with arkwing to get the best out of it