How to Beat Super Challenge Battles

THIS is how you do it. Not even Hero Rank 50 and able to take out SCB Extreme lv 2 with the following lineup. I’d like to thank Remus, Flarevern, Runedragon, Heavenswyrm, Stormloch and Bullbrazen for being the complete MVPs of this matchup.

For any of you that think its impossible to win these events with a low level account, this is how you do it.

What are the most creative ways you guys have been able to best these challenges? I’m not looking for obvious powered up accounts, I mean like salt of the earth ways to combat these things.

Cheers guys


Remind me and I’ll make some videos Of how to win with ridiculous lineups next SCB


So in case you guys want a breakdown of what happened, here it is.

After winning the first extreme battle, I knew what was in that team and built accordingly.

Sacrosphinx goes Cannon Acceleration, Rocco and Tittys Load Mortar. Flutter Blue uses Accelerate Team and Remus uses Knockback on Bloom before it loads, bringing in Warca. Sacro Loads. I go Stun Bomb with Fox, everything is stunned and Warca gets a turn as Fluffy comes in. Flarevern uses Knockback on Warca. Meatoid comes in.

Enemy line is Meatoid, Rocco with Shield, Sacro with Shield, and Tittys with Shield.

Skip then Stun Bomb with Fluffly and Celestrion comes in to Stun. Everything is stunned to 300+ seconds. Remus goes Megaquake All to remove shields and lightly damage Meatoid without killing it (Rescuing Give Turn Rock is next in line). Falrevern goes True Hit on Sacro to bring it to Hold Ground. Celestrion uses Sendback on itself to bring in Leobolt and Stun again. 300+ second stun again. Flarevern True Hit on Rocco to bring him to Hold Ground, then skip until they are below 200s and Flarevern goes True Hit on Tittys to kill it. RGT Rock comes in.

Enemy line - Meatoid, Rocco at HG, Sacro at HG, and RGT Rock. Leobolt uses Ultrathunder All to knockout the two Mortar monsters and bring in I think The Rockoid and Baublebasher. Flarevern goes True Hit on Baublebasher followed by 400s Megabomb from Flutter Blue to kill both rocks, The Rockoid itself and leave the Camoflauged Torrentide that entered the battlefield.

Torrentide clones and Flarevern Poison Eaters something, i forget what, and Leobolt kills Torrentide Clone with Protector Killer and Heavenswyrm comes in. I wait on the Stun Wave.

Flarevern gets killed by a monster who dies from the poison at the same time (ROFL) to bring in Tricranium on their side and Runedragon on my side.

Runedragon Sleeps Tricranium with his Entrance Passive!!!

Remus gets taken out from an attack to bring in Flutter Purple. Runedragon gets a clean kill on Leogeist with an assisted Give Turn from Flutter Purple. NOW I Stun Flash with Heavenswyrm.

Rune gets another kill via Bloodcrave and Regalion is in. One shot Regalion with Rune after Regal uses Seal on Leobolt (LMFAO) and GT to Rune again for another kill. I see Bloom next in line with 4 reinforcements. So now it’s just Bloom, Tittys, Warca, and Rocks with Torrentide, Timberlord and Botanic on the board (Tricranium is still sleeping).

GT to Runedragon to kill Timberlord and dies in turn (Torrentide has been swinging Slayerbane into Flutter Purple for the past 4 or 5 turns lol). Bloom comes in on their side and Lavaronix comes in on mine, but I have nothing left to sweep with.

Tricranium wakes up (■■■■…) and nukes my Purple Flutter and Leobolt. Stormloch and Baublebasher come in to wreck havoc.

Stormloch Sleeps Bloom (YASSSS) then Lava GT to Stormloch who resleeps Tricranium (double YAAAASSSS). Botanic is double loading mortars for no reason and Torrentide Ultrawaves to kill Lavaronix. Bullbrazen comes in and uses Protect. Game over lol.

I purposely dont kill with Bull but land a Dreamhunt on Bloom with Stormloch. Now Torrentide is uselessly Slayerbaning Bullbrazen. I keep skipping with Heavens and using Healing Light on Bull when it gets to Hold Ground. Stormloch sleeps the Tittys (lol 3 in a row!) And from there it was literal curtains.

That’s how it’s done boys.


I just used delu gallio bitter and sui FL and had mal and sweet as the incoming then basher and motor burnsalot satomi Dragulus cyber kuro and karenkenshi and won with them first try

last time I show a 22 hero rank account complete the scb.



You mean troll team? You are the best on this we all know. The best troll ever.


A video of winning a SCB Battle “without Bastia” is kindof unrelatable to most players @DonT89 :joy:


yeah and it’s even more when he uses 4 monsters instead of 16 like most ppl do


Well that’s the challenge :smirk:

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thats so old monster dont even have HG

Not about your argues (i don’t want to get involved) just showing a video.

Yes that’s what I would never do, running a troll team

I’m going to make a no bastia challenge too… Oh wait my entire career on neo is a no Bastia Challenge!!!


also on not beating scb with 4 mons


How is that troll team? It’s even more troll team to run bastia or bypassing monsters against 3 rockoids



I wish you made a video of the fight! This is brilliant

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Because there’s no way a full awakened mythic team would lose to a troll team under 180 cost right? :wink:

Imagine if some douche made a video titled “How I beat a team of AWAKENED Mythics with a TROLL Team in PvP”

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