How Nighrider works

This might be a hold ground question. Nightrider has hold ground. I use him and have healed the mon in pve and pvp he will die and not hold ground. I know what hold ground is, but he dies after healing, it nixes hold ground. Other mons, like my last biter do not die after healing.

Essentially what I am saying is this, Noghtrider, for me, can do his thing in the red, I heal him, then the hold ground is non existent, why does he lose hold ground after healing

If i got it right:

He was on HG.
Then got healed.
Then got killed like he didnt have HG.

Monsters can die like they dont have HG for 2 reasons:

  1. Excessive force - peng got it with every attack, and warca and bazil got it with novablast. If you get hit by exccesive force, it ignores HG.
  2. Poison - if he was poisoned, the poison tick (very low damage) will kill him if he get hit to HG.

Who killed him?
The heal got nothing to do with it, and there isnt a HG bug reported in like forever.

TBH that sounds like a bug, but we’ve heard nothing of this before and most of the major bugs are already on the radar. 

As Isegal said, if it was poisoned or hit by a monster with excessive force then that would bypass the HG, but I don’t know any more than that i’m afraid.

See if you can get a video of it, it would help immensely if you could. Something like AZ screen recorder should do the trick, or any other free one

It wasn’t poison. Not Peng. I will try to get it set up again. Thanks for the tip with the AZ screen recorder.

Was it Bunkerbeast by chance? His Piercing Mortar ignores HG.