How can reapolentern be a pvp star?

I simply roll for what I don’t have, which isn’t often.

I just lack cheese mons like dusc and peng, otherwise I wouldn’t bother.

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I’m sure u’ll have better luck in Valentine’s egg. Love is in the air !

haha ive had real bad luck , it sucks others are also having just as bad a time with things :confused:

All bad luck players are welcome to the nlaa clan

well i might aswell be co leader with my luck :joy::joy::joy:

That se pumpking trash was the only new monster i got from 59 eggs in last halloween when i had none of featured legends before hatching.

That reapolantern is the worst se ever :joy::joy::joy: how should it charge solo bloodthirst :joy: would Take ages :smiley: 200 tu for an enemy lifeflip?:joy::joy: only with protector Killer it would take 280 tu to charge its bloodmove :joy::joy::joy: devs, this is the biggest joke to whell us that this brick will ever be used in pvp

I think enemy life flip could be quite handy

You and lochi are the top 2 commanders of our club now. I’ve never rolled so many packs.:sob:

As I’ve stopped rolling at all I’m oretyy sure greatest will overtake the lead position soon

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Life flip enermy’s nightrider after enermy’s choco to save our ■■■.:rofl:

Exactly :joy::joy::joy:

I can’t BAN him @TheGreatest , but I can give him a warning if that is satisfactory for you?

@Professor_Oak aka Gramps, please refrain from using anecdotes about a “friend” who rolled a bunch of new legends to weird flex on people. This is a formal warning.

Maybe there is a time travel. Reapolan will have excessive force and tholid after years, and devs travel back to now and consider it is a superstar.

Hatch 18 pack and get only one limits legend

I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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My God… and I thought I had bad luck :man_facepalming:t2:, you are not the only one, I have 2 friends of the LDN Clan that today opened 400 and 540 gems … and they only got one legendary each … and they were not from the special egg

Hey guys speaking of egg hatching, so when is the next 1.5x event coming up???

Very soon. Feb 14th.

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Amen brother. Been saving up just for that event but from what I’ve read I shouldn’t get my hopes up.