Hey have some questions about weekly missions

Alright so when you do weekly mission can only the ten percent get the super monster or can u get it by getting deep into the floors like how u get one sub monster for like room one and 9 ? So if I keep going can I get all 4 and get super one or do you have to spend money if ur not top 10 percent

If you don’t win the main prize, you can get the last fusion ark only buying eggs

There are many ways to win it, but no, they give you all but 1 of the miniature versions of the grand OM prize required. The ways you can win it are…

  1. Beat the mission. Since so many people are inactive you are nearly guaranteed a prize if you beat it, no matter how long it takes.

  2. Buying it. This is self explanatory… Buy the eggs and you can win the final fusion needed to make grand prize OM, or if you are super lucky you can straight up get the OM.

  3. Beating the mission, once again. Even if the prizes run out, when you beat the dungeon you still get a gold egg which has a bunch of the little fusions in it. If you win one and beat all the bosses, you can fuse to get it

  4. Redos. If you have been playing a long time, and atleast competed in the OMs from along time ago, you should have won a few of the mini things. Since the mission gives you all you need for fusion but one, if you earned all of them and have atleast 1 mini version from an old OM (since they do repeat OMS) you can fuse to get big one

This is not necessarily true. You don’t NEED to drop cash right away if don’t win, as explained above there are alternatives that are kind of luck dependent.

Thanks guys:) I’m not that good to beat oms yet:/ still grinding Some levels will gear wolf make a come back cause he was awesome also do they keep adding new monsters every season or no?

Some seasons there are new ones, then other seasons are solely repeats. They kind of rotate off both. Not to be mean, but I think you are kinda new still, so gearwolf should do you some good, just not for the upcoming SS mission, because, well, SS is holy and gearwolf is dark… But yes, keep training that gearwolf and even if you can’t beat dungeon still go as far as possible and earn as many shadowkits as you can, because if they repeat SS again (which is likely) then you can make an SS from combining them. I am gonna go for 3 SS, 1 from beating mission and another from combining my 3 shadowkits with the ones I’m about to get, + I already have an SS from beating original mission