Harlekin healing move

So i just had a battle with @Unown and his last Monster was harleking… Guess what He could do all the Time, right. Healing at 50 tu. He used that move like 10-15 times. At the end i got Lucky and killed hit harleking with magmar, but often his shells got killed… All healing moves or got a restriction, even maggas bomb can only used 3x. Why Not that ultra low tu healing move? Like 3 or 5 times. Everything else makes harleking nearly unbeatable at endgame


Why not restrict daunt while at it :wink: And shield field as well


Never said something against that :smiley: but please stay on topic :smiley:

It was just a dumb endgame :smiley: u kept using that move over and over again :sweat_smile::smiley:

Agreed. Harlekings heal should be restricted to 5 times max. It’s nearly impossible to kill him in an endgame where he is alone with shells. As already said. If his heal is not restricted, why the nerf on magma then?

Because they’re deathly afraid of nerfing the mythic monster that people spent thousands to awaken, lest they fall victim to some seriously angry customers.


Then they could nerf the 6 star form, so they would only hurt the f2p player :see_no_evil:


I dont think they will nerf mythics.


Maybe as soon as 8* Monsters come :thinking::thinking::thinking: 8* = gods :man_shrugging:
Effective against all Elements, all other Elements weak against gods :nerd_face:

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Nah, Daunt doesn’t need any restrictions because he uses it.:laughing:

I was sarcastic. That was the point i was making, someone else uses “broken” combo and makes these statements while their own “broken” combo isn’t even mentioned . I was just hitting back

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I know exactly what you were doing. I did the same cuz I agree.

Sounds like your problem was the fact your Magmarinus was randomly targeting enemies.

Healing light is infinite use healing and can even be used on any teammate. The bronzeshell summon move adds two bronzeshells next in line so if you’re having to use it infinite times then you’re likely ruining your team. Only place you can do that well is if Harleking is right at the back of your team. Also, bear in mind it doesn’t make the bronzeshells in the battlefield (again only at the back of the team) so it’s not an instant buff to Harleking’s stats + stun immunity either.

I already messaged VKC about this and he gave me the ol’ “we’re looking into this.”

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Thats the line my uncle used when the IRS audited… didnt work so well :joy: