👑 Grand Champion Hall of Fame: Post Your Journey! 👑

Losing the 48ws to the servers dying was worse


Finish :metal::sunglasses:


So this is my first time reaching grand champion I guess is not the best but is not bad either for a player that come out of a half-retirement, let’s see how it goes on rank
About new PvP Sistem(first time I play after they put it) I think is better than before although we need to play more for get the rewards
About actual meta ED are more broken than nyx and change my mind☠


I did 2/3 of my grind during this Ranked PvP. I played ranked battles intensively this time because I wanted to see how the more accessible HP boosting affects the metagame, and I also wanted to feel how ED teams are harassing other users.

To be honest, I didn’t encounter ED teams that much, and I didn’t lose to them more than I did to other teams. I’m using an anti-ED team. Jocodragon, V.D. Delta, and Obsybdia did a good job for me. I’m sorry, but I can’t share my team or current rank. Please don’t dox me :slightly_smiling_face:


Show ur team and rank, ig we faced eachother

Me too (3/5), I am also clear this in ranked. We also have similar winrate😂

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What about wavetail (also Deus X)? How do you feel about it? I would like for it to be not nerfed. Also I think I faced you too but I won’t share your name cuz I forgor already :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ed definitely needs to be nerfed (I’m the only user with ed in the top 10) but what about nyx, again like 8 nyx users in the top 20, congrats on your high winrate ,i think we faced this rank🙂

Also there weren’t many Eds during this ranking.

I think we clashed. You’re a crack, good job

Well this kind of makes sense if you were playing an anti-ED team :person_shrugging:

The ED setup was fully restricted (one monster in (1) and two monsters in (2)) so that’s got to be a big reason why it was not very common

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I lost to a good number of ED teams during unranked when I was trying to figure out all the right moves to use. I didn’t lose to any during ranked and that was even after I stopped using xyz. I suppose it makes sense that heavy token spam and stun would do the trick lol

I was using motordragon for the ED and it was effective in 80% of the games against ED, obviously motordragon in the rest of the games in which there was no ED took a lot of level away from the team

Little speed run to Grand Master using new leggy :call_me_hand:t2:

I could use the combo in more than 100 out of those 115 matches and it’s not even the best combo you can run with it because Rule limits your options.

If someone didn’t like how Nyx punishes teams over 50% speed I want to see people’s reaction when this special rule is lifted and we can run even stronger setups with this new broken legendary - where if you don’t have unpotted 18% speed monster in your frontline you are immediately getting Daunted.


Had a +0 strawbaba in fl to counter this, worked like a charm

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Yeah, half of my loses today were to you and another player whose Unicera outspeed my Mortilys each time.

I just find it ironic so many people shouted that Nyx counters 60% speed frontlines but now we have a tool to counter frontlines that have stuff in 20-99 speed range.

Looks like another Festival Legendary that will be quite problematic - that’s how I feel after crushing everyone today that run mid speed frontlines and didn’t have any powerful combos after that.

I wonder who can lose to this kind of average fl bruh. 3 of the monsters used here are just spectators

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These are the ones Duck criticized your first nyx teams for by comparing them to what janne did which was more lethal

You clearly haven’t read the new leggy skill description.

I see a dead weight

Iridescezarc getting to use protect teammates before your opponent gets a turn is very strong. Aethereon obviously isn’t ideal but @Coltraz could add better stuff once the rule is over

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