Good vs Evil

I can picture Excalibur having a sort of Don Quixote complex, where he thinks he’s the hero of the world and conquering all this evil and stuff except he’s not strong at all and just kinda makes a fool of himself. Falls in line very well with his performance in game come to think of it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Delugazar is the good side for all your evils !

i think i gave you some help :joy:

Mojinator x The Rockoid

Rockoid 1000%

The rockoid, that mojinator piece of garbage would have no chance against him.


@DMGBonanoe do you want to say something regarding this? :rofl:

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Forget The Rockoid and Mojinator. The true, original dynamic duo is Delugazar Vs Mojinator. It’s a godzilla-esque setting, although for good measure Delugazar can potentially crit Mojinator with 3 moves so I guess this time Godzilla wins!

Panda vs angelion.

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Give panda stun counter


Easiest battle of the century; we all know that Angel has no chance against the INFALLIBLE, INVULNERABLE, INDESTRUCTIBLE, IMMORTAL Panda.

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Well just checking the moves rockoid losses because he gets power from rocks and if there is non he sucks mojinator can attack without ally’s and also can heal himself and stun so AGAIN I will say to @Aeronomatron :image


I want that bell

Here is one for you, my friend:


Yay thx it worked. I want gearog tomorrow when I claim my rare gem.

Aww nvm they got rid of gearog from the egg

Hey @DMGBonanoe, What do you think about Bundam x Mojinator?

Bundam would destroy that pathetic excuse of a monster


I think you’re wrong

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It should be Mojinator X Auro.
A battle to determine who can spam purifying mist the most :joy:

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By only looking at teir morphology Mojinator is way superior he has opposable thumbs wich means he can grab things and use them as tools and thus makes him more intelligent while bundam doesn’t even have fingers. Hah pathetic !
Also, you didn’t answered my arguments which means you admit that you were wrong and that Mojinator is strong.Why do you hate Mojinator so much ,maybe jealousy?