Getting and spending my 3rd 6 star shop ticket

So getting my 3rd 6 star shop ticket tonight at reset and just wanted some advice on what to spend it on in the shop to help boost my team up some more. I’ll leave pictures of my current team that got my to 47 wins last PvP season below. Also I’ll attach pictures of all my higher level monsters for any tips for teams building, which I’m always grateful for from this community. Thanks, Heseinnberg

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You should not spend your six star tickets yet. Wait until you can buy one of the twelve (or six with first purchase) ticket monsters because they give you the most value. Something like dusicyon would give you way more value per ticket than any of the cheaper options you have.


I was considering that option as well because every time I ran across Dusicyon I pretty much got screwed… especially if they had bloomloogu or whatever the hell that big pink camo whale is called lol


Yeah bloomlumega + dusy is one of stronger lineup

@Heisennberg your team looks solid I would recommend injecting that Shurikaizer somewhere in your team maybe that 5th spot, he can come in and get 2 quick kills before your opponent even blinks then stunt double and come back for seconds.

He can also serve as a good decoy because your opponent will definitely want to kill him before he gets a turn if they can, which should theoretically keep your other monsters alive longer

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Good use of terms, considering his name is Heisenberg :thinking:


Update on the team, seams to be working decent. gunna add a throw away monster at the end of the team for the sac heal. Also no rock monsters in so good to go for next PvP season

2 things. Your team cost is maxed out so you cant really add an extra monster for Sac Heal, and also what mon are you running with Sac Heal?

Also also, you should move Nightrider to your FL and put Purple Flutter in 5th. This will help your FL not get destroyed by Megalodragon Assassinate and the like, it also pairs your Nightrider with Shivadragon who can heal him off Hold Ground after using his Desperate All, which can lead to more uses of the move. It also let’s your Purple Flutter get its Shield Entrance.

As an additional note, I see you have Infernicorn as well. Should definitely try to find a spot for him, excellent mon with a Shield Entrance, Stun Converter, and with his SS his Double Piercing Blow one shots two enemies at the same time quite often, ignoring shield and Hold Ground. Very strong.

Otherwise the team looks ok. Definitely try to spend some time doing Online PvE missions to get your team cost up and Ultra Evolve your mons.

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@DMG_LUCKDRAGON purple flutter has sac heal and I’m lvl 69 hero rank rn so I’m close to a plus 5 on my team cost, but I think this might be the line up right here for the special rule for this months PvP. After the special rule is over I will definitely find room for inferna. He’s my favorite monster I’ve got so far… we’ll that and shiva… shiva is god tier

infernicorn is insane you definitely want him in your team no matter what. Cybereon (monster left of infernicorn) will also be very good bc a lot of people don’t have adequate stun protection in your pvp bracket.

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@Heisennberg What he said I didn’t see it the first time but he needs a spot.

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What do you think?

@Heisennberg Man that team has the potential to cause a lot of DC’s :rofl::rofl: makes me excited like it’s my team lol

Always be on the lookout in PvP for areas where you can improve especially if you’re running into a lot of the same problems

Only thing I would do is move the cloning water Wyvern in front of Twig and put Ravenarc where the Wyvern was. Helps you capitalize on having his hatchling be the focus while you set yourself up more and the Wyvern clones all have Poison Immunity and constant Stealth so towards the endgame if you focus on bringing down all their monsters except the ones that can only hit 2 at once you basically get a lock and they cant win.

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This is NEXT level!:open_mouth:

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Some serious truth to it man. I’ve done it before, stunned a Bloomeluga to oblivion and knocked back the light Dual Slayerbane monster and took out the rest so he was left with just them and it was priceless. Water Canon was the only thing he could do and they cloned too fast for it to matter.