Geo egg with devs selection

The all new Geo with a really good monsters featured in the new egg

Too bad I don’t have many gems to roll some eggs
Good luck to everyone and share the monsters you got with us here

I have 7/18 of those legends. Not spinning that.
Haven’t had luck with sancitistag. Want him pretty badly. Mostly for SS, Drakozord, sanctistag, chocolate linup.

Way to introduce more of some specific legends to the meta, but currently the monetary system kills it :frowning:

Not spinning~~

Not spinning either…I…Devs

Text error on Info “Full list of Featured Legendary Monsters”

there is 2 Banedragon. . .

(free gem)  :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahahaha, banedragon mentioned twice, chances of getting it is higher now. Well not rolling coz saving for 300 gems. :slight_smile:

Man… I really want to roll but 4% instead of the higher percentage during event(like 50% on 10 and 1 roll) is just too low for me to reason.

opened 4
4 epics

Waste of time. Should at least be able to chose which legendary if you land on it as a bit of a reward for how useless the Pvp servers have been and how useless at fixing anything the devs are

Bad move

I dont really care
already opened 7 eggs for sanctis

Its just a game

4 %… doesnt worth it

A game of strategy but whatever, its your account.

Nice eye sight!! We get our gems, lol.

Really hard to chose what to do

I am saving for festival eggs,and every two weaks they but a new egg with monsters that I want

Seems that no one is rolling

All saving for later

I wouldn’t do it. I think all of the monsters except geo are available in all other eggs – regular, rare and festival. No impetus unless you really want geomangus.

Maybe on St. Patrick’s day in two weeks will be a festival or anniversary like egg, I suggest to not spend

Next time I’m spending gems is during anniversary.

When is the anniversary?
Is it during October?
