Geo egg with devs selection

I rolled and got 2 Banes and Geo

how many did you hatch?

I’m blessed, last 100 gems I spend 4 legends, being chromera, both sudden death monsters and penguini sadly fused… today 60gems last egg opend was geomagnus… I excpect top 10 or 20 in PVP now :slight_smile:

Staying with the same squad for 6 month will be hard,only rare eggs to open,so one every month

Don’t know if I can do it

You are a lucky roller,all good monsters in PVP and PVE

I dont think so. New SE monsters may be introduced and that you can use. :slight_smile:

Roll 2 eggs to test it out. Got apolloling and gearwolf

I just did one single roll in dev selection egg and I got geomagnus. That’s my first account…
In second account I did four single roll on sanstistag egg within first roll I got a legend don’t know it’s name but it have poison drain ,confident strike, shield entrance

Has any one beat the spring thing… the last battle has a monster that has double poison eater… it looks likes the fire se fire protecter. A new banedragon?

Someone reported that he has doual poison eater,dual poison touch

A fire type bane as it seems

I can approve this, not only such, but his defense is insane, like seriously insane… I know the monster were buffed, yet he was at 354sec, did not die to my Celestrion’s timestrike, yet every other died if above 250sec in the same match…

HAHA, Drakozord Z will be his DOOM

Anniversary would be great if Penguinator comes again :grin:

What if we get penguinator, godfeather, deodragon and leogeist for the anniversary egg.

All limited time legends will be available but on batches every week for whole month of anniversary. :smiley:

hopefully santicstag as well i dont want to roll now since the odds is higher

Don’t do it! I rolled three x10 and got ZERO legendaries!! And on last x10 roll i got all epics…yeah /wrist

Or Geartyrant, Jesus Christ. He would be awesome too, if there is a chance to get him :thinking::smile:

You know what i spent 125 gems all during festival time and I got 7 super epics and 18 epics. Festival my @$$

1st egg single egg geomagnus #MLG
Hey guys its like next egg is deo… Reven… Leo… aegis… and of course fan favorite zib…
For next selection egg
And featured monster has triple bloodfury…Stun into oblivion… poison massacre TU 1 and poison gas TU 1/696969696969696969
Triple bloodfury takes 1 kill
Stun into oblivion can be used only once and stuns them for 400 secondsNo sacrifice intended


Maybe a hacker ?

hatched 3 packs