Game of Hoards

Oh my… and here I thought this was going to be easy lol. Anyone else finish the first part of the event yet too?

Finished it, only last 2 battles u show on ur screenshot re to play for me now… not very tempted play right now…

The third battle is the easiest, 30 awaken mythics… stun them and go

Got them all done. I actually managed them first try this time around! They’re randomised with 70, 80, 90 and 100 enemies in the battles with the second one being 30 mythics.

They seem to not really include mythics much and luckily I met no Tortogeist. I did meet a few Blacktitan and Whitetitan which were very annoying though.

The 30 mythics I couldn’t do with my usual GoH team (crescendo monsters + stun) because the stun protection was too good or I met Arachnadiva. I used a PvP team after a few failed attempts and that completed it first try.

I handled it all with this setup + minor occasional variation up front. Dollguini really feels like my own personal secret weapon lol, endless shield generation is a godsend for dr and pr. Goldtail works wonders once the stun lock wears off, too.

I used this equipment to finish (an exception from hell mode 2 using an aviaeronix), when shivadragon, lunartic, simuronix and leoronix come together.

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Monsters are not “equipment” they have feelings too. If I call my girlfriend equipment she’d kill me.


The translator always plays that trick on us :confused:


Lol yeah, “equipo” is team. That’s gotta be annoying

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