First one

I’m having a hard time beating th first one, do you think they are too op ? If you win what teams and special skills did you use ?
Thanks for your help🙏

Which First Ones, buddy?

I was able to finish a Darth ruller and reach the final battle of all to ash. Otherwise I’m around 2/3 battle in the other ones.

Raizen mutilates them all, except Terragar of course. Guessing you don’t have him… /do you have Godfeather or Dragaia? They’re effective against Zib and Meta(water and holy).

I have raizen and godfeather. My team and I must really suck I guess lol
I would appreciate a team info/ ideal against them

Oh, awesome. Raizen will make Zib and Bolv total pushovers. All you need to do is bring lots of stun, stun the Esapizerons/Tridrakhans into oblivion, and pound them into the dust with timestrike double.

I see what you mean , easier said than done though, which monster did you use ? By the way I have to deal with those monster at first before the real fight even starts

I mean they are called the "first once’ for a reason…their supposed to be extremely challenging, especially to those who aren’t to familiar with the game yet. 

I know and it’s great to have harder content. I’m just trying to get better and asking some advice :wink:

A great tricj against all first one will be stealth all / purfying myst.
It will stop most of their attacks.

I agree about stealth all, that is key for all first ones. If you have cyclozar it will make 3 or 4 of the first one challenges a joke. I don’t think I finished the raizen challenge last year. This years raizen challenge was the easiest one with cyclo. Every mon he brought in was a gt. I didn’t lose a single mon against raizen because I used cyclo and raizen. They both have chrono killer and chewed through the team. Terragar was my toughest win, use stealth all strike with some tt and gt and you can beat him. Shiva was useful as well. He was hitting a ton by the end and surprisingly delugazar killed terragar with a one shot of double blood crave.

 I currently have 2 monsters with purifying mist, does not seem to be enough.

Put them with someone who can deal heavy damage.

Also a trick is the SE with unwanted friends. It will add 3 bronzeshells and wont allow summons. Very helpfull

Its all about taking out the rockoids fast and taking advantage of every time he summons because when he does he stalls for like 130sec so you have time to kill the 6 rockoids he summons and then use blood moves. You have to be quick though try putting team turn and give turn around your sweepers

If you have moji or any all stealth monster + geo… you can do it. plus a lot of protectors( but that should be easy as there are epics super epics, etc. 

I used kattmander with the skill lightbane darkbane and neke pounch and nekofinisher

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