F.D. Azure discussion

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Viability in Game
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F.D. Union Attack should be 70 TU


Wait when did it get released

It’s reward for ultimate challenge

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Maybe its time i awaken my Maeve now

Very niche!

No matter what powerful butterfly dragon monster is, it can’t change Queen Maeve’s own problem. Queen Maeve is already very rubbish.

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Tbh i am not really interested about this
Is there any chance to get P.G ,V.D, E.D, G.D
King or queen ?

Also Thlug king/queen


If they will release all 6 new FDs then Maeve might get somewhat stronger. Haven’t used her in months though. The SS got nerfed hard.

My suggestion would be to treat her like Azida got treated:

100% atk/def boost for each FD on the field - (Azida got 50/50 but she has more mons to choose from).

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I am also a player who likes Maeve. I am very happy to see that the developers can see Maeve’s current difficult situation. Maeve’s most fatal shortcoming at present is her own speed. Many monsters can kill her before Maeve does anything, and her SS will be left on the field all the time, resulting in an irreversible disadvantage.

Yeah. Maeve is now unrunnable if you have a mythic in the game that can KB her at 75 speed. Using gravity field with Maeve is also counterproductive since you are blocking her own swap ability.


Don’t put maeve in fl then?

Can F.D. Maeve summon this F.D. Azure…!


After testing it for 20 minutes on PvE and PvP does not seem like it. Maybe they will add it to her skill after the UC is finished.


@Dev_VKC maybe mythics like Maeve, Azida, Akane - the ones strongly connected with specific types and families of monsters should count in to skill restrictions. The solution would be to give them two types:
Maeve: humanoid and bug
Aizda, Akane: humanoid and dragon

F.D. Azure has healing entrance for Maeve but still requires other F.D. (or bug type and F.D. Maeve) to use his main sweeping move.


Don’t forget Fiona having beast type and Lime having plant type!