Duplicates, not fair...

-4 seconds will definitely not help me more than thiamad or goldtail in pvp, online missions or on the islands

No it wont. The duplicate is a consolation prize not an equivalent prize. The wheel is still a gamble even when you land on legendary.

That’s exactly why I think the +x system is a bad idea; it creates more division between the payers and the players, which is fine in single player modes but should not affect pvp…though it’s not a massive edge.
What if it were only possible to roll duplicates on ultra evolved monsters? That would at least make it more likely a duplicate is a monster the player uses, and would make legendary duplicate heartbreak less likely :stuck_out_tongue:

I have spent hundreds on the game and landed on the legendary spot 3 time and one of them was a duplicate of soul stealer a monster with very little use I’m a little upset

Soulstealer is strong if you know how to use him. Pair him with a sleep bomb and a purify mon, and you’re more or less set.

Only a little? Wow I’m impressed.

I’m not that upset because I got a bunch of super epics
But still sucks a bunch and I’m done spending money
Some of my monsters

I don’t know what to say… I got 5 gems and hope to gem something worthly from this festival egg, and guess what guys!? I got Cliocupid,i have Cliocupid +8 ! This game is like telling me “delete me please i don’t want you to play me”

I bought 10 eggs. 9 duplicates and an epic. I’m in strong agreement that duplicates are ridiculous. I won’t spend any more on eggs unless I know I’m getting something different.

I think it only becomes worse the more you spend too as the odds of getting a duplicate increase so much more…

I’m not spending a single dollar until all 900 monsters are made and it’s hard to get doubles anymore

You mean not going to spend anymore since you already threw them over a thousand.

Yeah it’s only a 1000 I work hard for my money can spend it on whatever

True, but I haven’t spent that much to get so many duplicates. Given how many mons there are supposed to be, it seems crazy to feet so many dupes and a total waste of money as well.

We only getting so many doubles because they are still creating monsters

Just think of the game is still in its Beta stages and we all paid the initial price for access. Nothing we can do about it. Just got to wait for updates.

I only had one duplicate (tower turn enemy don’t count)

Anyone know what happens if you already have a +9 monster and then role another duplicate of that monster? is it just a wasted egg?

Yeah just wasted.

Can you not go above +9?