Dungeon's challenge

What kind of strategy do you use to finish this event? It’s basically the first time that i try to do it seriously, but i don’t have any good strategy to make it till the end.

There are some combos you can go for, but I find that in general you do want to pick monsters that work well for the event by themselves then you place them in a smart way.

Good general monsters are ones with hold ground that can heal, fast monsters and a few control monsters. If you want to use something like the sleep+dreamhunt legendaries then think about putting them with a fast stun flash monster, so they can get a turn. OoO + sleep immunity is a very real strategy too.

If you can get to floor 90 then don’t think about trying to finish the event. Everything up to floor 90 is easy compared to the final ten floors, where even if you have a great team it comes down to RNG whether you make it. The buff level gets quite high by the end, which is something you should factor in if you’re thinking about putting stuff like TK monsters in… they don’t work.

Each person makes a different team for DC, so if you can get tips from others you should be able to collect the ideas to come up with something for yourself. Here’s a look at my team from last time (I tweak it a little each time)…

Blazebones is great with OoO then obviously double survivors and novablast for as long as that lasts. Galliodragon is a great fast stun flash, same as Heavenswyrm which I have as backup. Remember that you can shift monster positions between fights so I try to keep one fast stun flash in the team for a while. Aurodragon is there for the purifying mist and lifeflip friend, great general support. Between Auro and Shiva you can protect yourself from the AI very nicely in most fights. Excessive force AoE spam with TT works surprisingly well. My end-game is stun stuff with healing.


Thanks a lot for the tips, i know it’s up to me to build a team in this event. Right now i’m running a deluga fl with auro, a tt and gallio for fast stunning, but i didn’t have any idea for the rest of the team. I’ll try to build a decent time, but i don’t have any ooo legend. I hope i will make it without sleep.

If you have any of those SEs I have in my team I’d recommend those highly. They’re all very useful and you need a few SEs to keep the team cost down.

My strategy is to get lvl 56 rare gem. Stop at there . Tell myself I got a rare dupe from the lvl 90 five gems . Live stress-free :slight_smile:


I have all of them, except the genie.

I’m really considering this option rn :joy:

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