Design Raid

The devs continue to make those lewd and bad designs of over sexualized women commonly called the waifus.I think we are ok with female monsters like brynhildyr,deviladius or nagandia but the new ones seem very smexy and we should do something to change this since the devs are not listening to us.Not only did they not chnage it but they added even more as a way to say “F u” to their community.

Thus, I invite everyone to a Raid on the apps rating, we should go rate 1* the app and write what is happening with the oversexualized monsters maybe then the devs will do something about it.I also invite you to spread this message in your clans and chat for a maximum of people to see it and, as a whole we can make a change.


Done, amazing idea.

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Nah I like the designs. They turn me on.

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Your life must not be exciting in terms of women when u fantasize on drawings


What if I told you I got my gf to cosplay Bastia a couple weeks ago? Pretty nice since Bastia is inherently 99% nude.


Ohhh damn! :coffin: that gotta sting :speak_no_evil::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


That could be fine, but I think nobody wants to know about your adventures.




U lucky dawg . Marry her

You literally have the entire internet but you insist on allowing the perversion of what is a game marketed to 9 year olds in the name of self interest.

That’s sad.


How much threads like this came now Just saying.And Ive already done the rating like a month ago

I am more than in agreement with this.

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Its sad because I don’t want to see the game die, but we have no choice. The powers that be aren’t gonna listen. If the rating goes down under 4 stars they will lose a lot of money. Then they might listen. I much rather they just stop making the designs…


yeah i understand but the thing is that this is the only way we can pressure them to make changes otherwise they can do whatever they want.


OH BOY Its time, to RAID neo mon review, they cant stop all of us,we wont stop untill we get what we want,to change some design like bastia and STOP making godesses (or atleast change the age to 13+) BUT before we start to raid the review i would like to thanks our sponsor, Raid shadow legends


This thread is NOT sponsored by Raid shadow legends

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I think it was a joke. .

am also joking

I edited it to complete the joke, he replied before the last part

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i can see the future