Could someone help a noob?

Spending money is good for devs.

The forum is in a bit of a funk right now.

You have a bunch of options. Deathmark + geartyrant + stun seems like your best option.

Put motordragon in 5th in order to help set up gear and emerald. Then repulse and have celestrion come in to stun the shells. Sendback the celestrion to get stunbombers to come in. Stun the shells to 800+ seconds and start using deathmark on the not shells. When you get all of their monsters that are stun immune out of the way, kill the shells and stun the reinforcements. Then let them die with auto death sentence.

Firstly, thank you very much for bothering to reply to some stupid questions like this.

As for the Deathmark combo:
I ve tried doing stuff like that, just seem to muck up. I can’t figure out what the frontline should be?
And how would i get the stuns to come in and combo? I mean how would I get him to come in for the stun entrance to work?

Do you have no ingredient monsters? You should focus on that since you need them to ultra evolve your monsters to their last forms. It’ll be a long time before you can do a legend, but evolving certain epics and super epics is a great start. Use your tickets as much as you can, try to spend as little time with them capped as possible so you don’t waste them.

You have a lot of good monsters to work with. It seems you got rewarded for spending. Nice monsters.
Try setting a line up that protects your emeral for long enough to trigger deathmark. Something like emeral a protector/stun absorber, a monster with team turn/give turn and for the 4th monster improvise something it can be another sweeper or death revenge.
For the 5th and 6th position set up motor followed by a shocking entrance or vice versa.
Play with these ideas and you should get the feel quickly.

Motordragon should always come before the stun entrance.


Something like that.

Hold it, you haven’t done the six trials or labyrinth yet. You should get to work on them asap. They’re in the monster hunting button from the main online menu, and you can get extra monsters for only 5 tickets each day. For silver, there’s a silver mission in the ultra evolve quest menu, gets you 70000 for 15 tickets. For evolving, I think your priority should be esapidon then zapshell, then gearwolf. Evolve spiden too, when in its last form that thing does wonders.

abuse the fact that you know your frontline will die. Use that to punish them.

Stun revenge

For your frontline. Then lead into your other monsters.

You shouldn’t use nearly so many stunning entrances at the back of your team. Use geartyrant and the SE sleeping monsters along with stunburst/stunbomb.

Islandoe is a stun burster. Go get him on the first or second island(can’t remember which.)