completely unbalanced

It’s completely disgusting, the last level of the super challange battle took 3 hours, all for not having “aurodragon”, the game is really sad for the players who have just started and we don’t have certain monsters, it’s disgusting that you’ve managed to make it the ■■■■■■■ last one. time I play scb.

skill issue

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Last level of scb is not designed to be completed by players who have just started… In my experience, I wasnt able to complete it until after a few months. If you cant defeat it, dont bother. Go grind the rest of the main story and online missions instead.


Bro, you don’t need Aurodragon for SCB :joy: Trust me, I got him like last year having started playing 6 years ago. What you need is a few useful monsters and a working brain.

Nowadays I usually can beat SCB with auto battle.

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I used to beat most SCBs with a proper Mantisamurai set-up, I don’t even have Aurodragon lol. It takes a little time though. If you don’t have skills, you’ll suffer even with a team full of mythics.

New player can’t get em all. Babyrage

I was just gonna say this lmao

Wallet issue @Joscar

u becoming slow mate

@Joscar Welcome to the game! As others have said, Aurodragon is great but you can win in a million other ways. People have done challenges where they’ve beaten SCB with just 4 super epics alone. Don’t be made to feel stupid by what others have said, just know that you’ve got a long way to go and a lot to learn when you start playing this game. Have fun and you’ll figure out how to achieve things soon :slight_smile:

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