
Hi guys i just found a guy on PVP now with 2 bloodblade on his team
How is that possible? I dont save his name to prove that unfortunatly
Some monsters of his team are puffoxin,rhynobrawl,chronox legendary evo,horrorclawn and 2 mons with desperade double dont know his names…
I manage to win but that was tough
As i know everytime we got a monsters we already have we won a +1 bonus not another monster
Btw his 2nd bloodblad was not a revenge of horrorclaw so is that hack right?

I see you know Horrorclaw revives the mon that killed him. But Cryptblade revives the last mon that died on the field. Were both of you running blood blade? And did he have a Cryptblade?

I have bloodblade and i kill his horrorclaw with it so hes revenge give him a bloodblade till now its ok but than he got another bloodblade and his last monster was a bloodblade again…he doensnt have atrahasys or even cryptblade thats why i think it was cheat

Did he have an aurodragon?

Honestly, it might have been something you overlooked rather than a cheater. There’s tons of situations where two copies of a monster (even ones without duplicate) can be on the same team. Now, if there had been 2 legendaries, it might have been a different case, but this situation being foul play seems unlikely.

I was robbed from a win by someone disconnecting at the end. My screen was frozen even though it was my turn. I left my frozen game connected for two hours then restarted. Did not get credit for the win. Is it possible to disconnect at the end and freeze the game for the other user. Then win the game.

That was a constant issue during early versions of pvp. I haven’t experienced it in a while. I hope it doesn’t start reoccurring. My issues now are with the frequent disconnects. Even when I have a strong connection I’ll get disconnected and suffer a defeat.