Can't wait for update

I am really excited for the update so the egg timing will be gone. Mainly because I can’t do it and it will level the playing field.

Uh. Just because it will be gone doesn’t mean the arks the timers have will be…

I know but they won’t be able to get any more.

Most of them have stockpiled gold at this point, and in PvP, you only need one of them anyways.

Way to be a joy kill crystal XD

I’m just being honest. Just because timing will be gone doesn’t mean the effect will be. They’ve already gotten the egg exclusives and most of the OM’s that they’ve played for, if not ALL of them. Just because timing is gone doesn’t mean the playing field will automatically be “equal.”

Yea I know, it will prevent future timers atleast

Actually, those with stockpiles will have…issues, if I remember correctly

But there are some fantastic arks coming, ones that timers should not get

^ u mean future OM arks, or new arks that haven’t been introduced?

Future OM arks and probably a bunch that they’re creating now

If the devs main focus is this “new game” they’re working on, I doubt they’re making a BUNCH of new arks, but that’s just my 2 cents.

Aren’t they adding three arks, like a fire bear, giraffe, and ice bird?

They’re supposedly doing half and half, now that the team will be increased to six

And they do have other ones planned, as proven by their Facebook polls for names on the three Mast mentioned

^what does Mast mean?

Mast = The Master, I would assume


Haha didn’t even realize that I had a nick name already :stuck_out_tongue:

It was easier than typing out the entire thing

Couldn’t add the “er”?
Jk it’s ok but I do hope the update comes out before April

Yes Master. Everyone will do as you say.

Well, I may have just made it worse with the release into the wild thread