Can we finally end AP Spam?

I couldn’t agree more ! Like setting up link fire is tough ! They buffed magmar


It was a buff. Absolute piece of cake to setup link fire. A baby could do it.

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I’ve said this a lot 70 + speed + stun immunity + hold ground + slayerbane all + low TU blood move sems pretty unbalanced to me :thinking:

Bringing in a ton of monsters is pretty risky and its blood move is unreliable if you want to control the game. That being said, putting it right after bomb flocc in my cani aoe setup feels awesome.



Its funny back then i and @Anne were the only people who said decreasing mythic cost was stupid and should be inverted but the fourms said it was fair now they cry as usual.

I remember @Killerdog was the one who wanted to buff the mythics by decreasing there cost now he realized how stupid that suggestion is.

I think killerdog said that before they released all the rockoids and it was harder to make the team cost go down.

Excuse me? I was literally the first person to complain about the stupid Mythic cost

Scroll down and read the end of my post. This was right after the Cost reduction and AP spam nerf. Same update. The update from hell.
Notice my anger at the fact they didn’t fix the cursed RNG when the nerfed AP spam.

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Yes @Saitama i remember you complaining too but i didnt remember were you before or after.

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As Duck said, that was before they released the special rocks that are an easy way to keep the cost down. It was also assessing mythics only from the first ones we’d seen.

I never suggested the cost reduction, but supported it as a suitable buff when it came because mythics were not strong enough at that time. I spoke against the 2nd form cost reduction both in that post and to the Devs when we spoke about the cost reduction happening to mythics (before they publicly announced it).

Don’t know why you feel the need to bring up old posts to try and make people look stupid while also making statements that pat yourself on the back. Perhaps you should be called “Mr Hindsight” instead. Or perhaps we should trawl through some of your ridiculous posts about many S+ monsters being “doodoo” and how ones like Dolphreeze needed the passive removed that added diamonoids next in line because it was a liability (which everyone thought you were silly for saying and sure enough a few months later it was a big attributer to AP spam).


That’s an interesting one. I thought it was a ridiculous idea at first because diamonds were annoying. But also because I didn’t use stun in my team so didn’t counter Dolph very well.

I ended up getting Dolph in an egg and started to hate the dam diamonds after a few months. They kinda ruined my team setup and exposed Dolph to stun. I may have lacked some good support monsters but overall I started to agree that the passive was crap. I loved the fact they removed it as a passive and made it optional.

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1- you cant expect all mythic to be bad, your a veteran player and you should know this at one point mythics will break the game.

2- Old post might not be relevant in most cases but in certain cases they are extremely relevant such as changing a entire category is huge.

3- i still think dolphin old passive sucks and making 1 tu ss was a buff but the cost increase backfired.

We didnt have many stun counters like bloom or willow and the passive exposed you to stun, even now i prefer the new ss over the old passive sine the old passive could get you protector lock vs raw.

After a couple of months you suddenly stopped saying it was trash and you were using Dolphreeze very effectively outside of your FL. RAW has only just started bypassing protectors since February this year, over a year after you were posting about Dolphreeze’s passive.

I completely agree with you that having the diamonoids on a skill is more powerful and it’s much more balanced requiring 16 cost. However, this passive proved incredibly powerful to almost everyone and I always found it very ironic you’d happily play AP spam without stun protection yet Dolphreeze’s diamonoids were such a problem for you. I think it’s just your stubbornness not letting go of that point you made shortly after the release of Dolphreeze. It was a very common occurrence that an S/S+ monster would come out, you’d get it, then a few weeks later you’d be talking on the forum about how badly it needs a buff.

Anyway, I don’t even want to be in this thread discussion. Please don’t go tagging me and quoting some post I made from more than a year ago. I haven’t even ever complained about the power of mythics or regretted supporting their lower cost so it’s got no relevance.

EDIT: Checked the dates of things and I got them each a few months wrong, sorry. Not going to bother correcting though because I don’t particularly want to engage here further anyway.



These days anything you say can and will be used against you in the Forum court.


Mr Hindsight, Mr Screenshot… A loved child has many names :wink:

Emphasis on the word child

If you ever need help gathering archived evidence please feel free to PM me :kissing_heart:

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