buy gems latin america

I believe that the socio-economic conditions of the region should be considered when selling gem packs.
That is to say that for the countries of Latin America the purchase of gems should be much cheaper.
I want to give you a clear example so that you understand this: Suppose you live in Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Peru, etc …
The value of the dollar in these countries is exaggeratedly high, imagine that you sell a pack of 40 gems for 40 dollars ... . For example, in my country with 40 dollars, you can buy a cell phone. Imagine what that means? You think that very few people in Latin America are willing to pay for their gems, at such a high price (In your country) as I say, maybe in Europe or other places that is very accessible.
That is why I think that the costs should change according to the area, that way, many people from Latin America would buy their gems …
The truth is that I will not buy gems because I do not have money, but it seems like a good idea, so that they analyze to carry out for the rest of the users


Weren’t you a f2p…?


They would be an ideal, but I understand that the company cannot lower prices according to its location, because imagine that a person who lives in Europe or the US, is going to want to access those gems at a lower cost, and has every right to want it that way, That is why it has to maintain a price for everyone equally, the issue is the countries in which we live and their economic problems :crazy_face:


Are each countries gem prices based on the exchange rate to the U.S. dollar or what currency?

I recommend that you take the time to read gentleman

I agree… but us good jaja…

Tell your governments to stop printing money then…


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Yes in EE UU

$1 dolar = $200

I’m just saying it, because it seems to me that no one from these countries is investing money in the game … if I were a creator of the game, I would do that to fill myself with money🤷🏼‍♂️

They figure a majority of the players come from countries like Japan, U.S., Canada, U.K, other European countries, Australia, and China. So it isn’t worth it for them to cater to the few people outside those countries who play this game, since overall you make up less than 5% of the player base I’d guess. They aren’t missing out on much revenue they otherwise would’ve had.


if that statistic is correct … then it makes sense

Everybody gangsta till the anti-p2w people start bringing up international sociopolitics.

I wouldn’t describe Neo gems as an “investment” but you have to be part of the Degenerate Gamblers Line Group to know what I’m talking about here


Is @NoelLemon2 aka ElizabethChan still here? Here is your chance to ask the Cuban players how great communism is!

Capitalism ftw

wouldnt people abuse it if they lower prices in some contries?

Seems likely but you can’t expect them to be logical when they want P2W to be fair to everyone

First post that I support, gems are expensive, a package of 150 gems is equivalent to almost 2 weeks of salary of an average Mexican or more
And that sometimes is not enough for many people’s food :no_mouth:
1 USD=20 MXN

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Join me in the group, so I’ll fight PVP

Is bad… but i am from in argentina… But is bad

Neo’s creators would be filled with money … Nowadays in Latin America nobody buys from them … that abuse is the same as xxx89 does