Did you just ignore what they said in your last thread?



Gearhound (Evolve to Alphagear pls)


Thundrake or Atlanteon







That 5* fire-type poison mass volcanosaur

Pyrokaizer or Titanwolf

That 5* grass-type protect focus golem

Last Stand starter

Atlanteon or Thundrake

This frontline is rather weak to twinkillers atm, but I’m a bit lazy to find a fix for it.

You are trying to setup Stormloch for dreamhunt/bloodthirst by one-on-one w/ Frostrider + switchplaces to last spot.

Taloknight is here to charge survivor and threaten death revenge

Gearhound is here to knockback threats and teamturn, as well as possible bloodcrave activation on HGers

Archwolf is here for the Giveturn only

Clioseraph is here for Giveturn for abyssraider before Heal all, Don’t purify unless you must, as thats what Pyrokaizer/TItanwolf are for (as well as charge survivor if they choose to focus your poisoners. These should be your opponents last target, and you should nearly always be able to pull survivor off on these in this lineup)

Protect focus before Accel team, unless he’s expected to die before he can accel team.

They will have to pick between Frostrider and your starter, be smart.

You lack mons for an assisted frontline, as well as for a proper sleep team, You have the foundations of a poison team, but lack any significant sweeper presence aside from omegasdragon, and abyssraider. Poison massacre can be very powerful, but use it carefully.

You could also play around with this frontline and see how it goes:






Thundrake or Atlanteon

That 5* grass-type protect focus golem



5 other mons

Last Stand Starter

Atlanteon or Thundrake

Here your trying to start sweep with abyssraider.

Then you want to stunbomb the next 4 into luxking so you can use one-on-one

Stormloch dreamhunts to charge Bloodthirst, Luxking timestrikes one to activate Bloodcrave

Team Turn as needed and knock back threats, also protects from stun 5th on enemy side

Once a sweeper dies, your stun entrance healer comes it, immediately heal all into your protect focuser

Here Omegas after your focuser dies is to knock back any other threats and continue the onslaught if abyss is still alive, or sweep alongside stormloch or Lux

Archwolf is to continue immunity against stun while adding give turn and switch places if needed for a quick heal all + stun entrance

You have ichyrion too, take him if you have difficulties feeding for bloodcrave

Post it on rate/build my team thread

We have a thread for this please don’t make multiple threads and use the ones provided