Buffed monsters in island challenge

I will start with Island change is pure luck.

If you are ‘lucky’ as me’you will get to the 150th level then the buff on the AI team is higher enough to win 1 or 0 match on 6.

My question is I’m the only one stuck at this level?

Because if I’m just unlucky I can understand otherwise it seems to me the buff is too high.

To quote my (work in progress) KD's How to beat each event (+videos)

Enemy buff level:
Levels 1-60 = 0.7x - 1x
Levels 60-160 = 1x - 1.5x
Levels 160-300 = 1.5x (no change)
Levels 300-380 = 1.5x - 3x
Levels 380-400 = 3x - 4x
Levels 400-500 = 4x - 9.5x
Levels 500-600 = 9.5x - 17.25x

The buff should be fine up to lvl 300. All high damage strategies work. With the right SEs you should breeze through, or otherwise a good legendary will easily get you to 300. Level 300-400 is where most things stop working and you need to start using UC strategies or having crazy combos to win the battles.

However, with that said. 1.5x buff is no joke if you’re trying to get through it with normal attacks. You do need better things that just killer moves and such. Legendaries typically have far more useful attacks like blood moves that will help you get through it up to level 300.

I have terrordragon: poison massacre or dextox burst bring monsters to half hp sometimes quarter, so bad
1 super epic the elephant with autoprotect that if is not poisoned can kill anyone 1 time
1 abysso soldier, the red one…I need 2 sometimes 3 power slash to kill someone
then the fire mythic with piercing moves…with 3000 atttack need 2x piercing move to kill some and bloodrage do absolutely nothing
The others are rare monsters.

As you can see I need 2 or 3 times the same move to kill anyone and that’s way 1.5x buff is impossible for me.

Maybe I just got an unlucky draw.

It’s not just pure luck. You need to know how to make the best of your drafts and know when to redraft if you don’t have the right ones. I can’t see your team right now but it sounds like you haven’t always made the best choices with terrordragon being a prime example of this.


Yeah If i knew that detox blast or poison massacre with 5k attack was so bad @ 1.5 buff…but the others choises were heaven and black titan…

It might’ve been better to have redrafted those. I don’t have much experience with heavens but blacktitan isn’t going to be that great for this.

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That was definitely a redraft

This is what I’m working with and currently in the 170s. Timestrikes and Stun to set up for the bomb from Panda, Robo to clear out or deal big damage to autoprotectors mainly. Stun Flash and Nulls Stun work great with all the Stun Absorbers around to get the total Stun time for Absorbers to be 600 plus, making Timestrike Double able to take the protector to 1 Hp and KO another target, get a second one off then give turn with the Wolf to Execute another low health protector and Raw Bloodthirst with 3 kills one shots everything so far, Stun Bomb and the Bomb from Pando clear things, Show of Power with Husky followed by Timecrush really gets there, then Robot Duplicate Spam or Last Stand Ice monkey has been working decently.

This wont get me past 220, but I dont really care to go past 200 with this event so I’m goodwith that.

Ah, I’ve hit 300 in the Island Challenge. Very happy about this.

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I’m at 230…hope to reach 300 too before the end!

Buffing at 1.5 it’s not easy, overall when you encounter buffed legends with ss like slayer bane all

You just need a few good monsters and it’s very easy. Next time look out for these:

-Torrentide (has carried me to LV 300 solo)
-Harleking (this one is a goddamn cheat code)
-Brynhildr (simply insane, almost impossible to kill when used right)
-Ankoudragon (Eternal revenge always 1 hits)
-Tenebris (similar solo carry capacity than Torrentide. Even better if you manage to grab Zhulong too)
-Atrahasis (Necro your killed monsters or the enemy monsters, who will retain their buff)
-Tortogeist, Horrormaw, Crimseias (Mirror revenge is insane in this)
-Pumpking (Has excessive force when poisoned)
-Delugazar (you know why)
-Canishogun, Infernicorn (stun counter and piercing)
-Epic cloners (AI can’t handle them usually)




Also reven and blazebones + OoO


Anything with death revenge, and payback killer

This is what I made it to 300 with. DR and all those strats do work, but I was able to get there with Stun and Tenebris shenanigans when the going got tough, but this is proof that there are other ways to get there.

Just wanted to let you know you are a bad person because of your IC team. Come on, your Malwing entered the battlefield a total of THREE TIMES (normal, Blowback and Brynhildr’s Revival) and he just so happened to put asleep Ankoudragon and BOTH the Tygorons I had!

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I don’t know who is the bad person here: the one who uses Malwing or the one who lets him enter 3 times? :sunglasses:

I intentionally put malwing and brynhyldr close together lmao. When I play I don’t even aim to resurrect malwing bc buffed mons are better anyways.

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I take 1/3rd of the blame, as I could have petrified him before he Blowback’d but instead chose to kill his Ankoudragon

Ok Satan