Bonetalon bug

Okay, this has been happening for a really long time, I wasn’t really sure about it before, but this is getting ridiculous. When I do last bite with Godfeather and Bonetalon comes on the field, poison gambit hits GF. Every. Single. Damn. Time. And I’ve probably run into several dozen of them in total with GF so far. It’s just getting ridiculous. Can you guys fix this please?

Same with sudden death and chrono for me

Each time I faces Rexo he hits him and only him,never faced a sudden death monster that hits my opponent monster

WHY ALWAYS ME :bowing_man::bowing_man:

Hold on. If Bonetalon comes onto the field whilst GodFeather is the last monster there, then of course it’s going to hit him. It only poisons one of your monsters and not an opponent.

That’s not a bug… Poison gambit is a move that attack single opponent when bonetalon entering the battlefield…
It’s the same as dreamy entrance (wraithcaptain)…
Of course it will attack your GF because it’s the last monster you have…
That’s why we need another passive skill like poison immunity or sleep immunity for GF and Dragaia…

GF and Dragaia already have 2 passives buddy
Hg and stun immun are the best for then poison or sleep immun will make then useless

Hmm, I thought poison gambit was able to hit allies too for some reason, but apparently not. Thread can be locked now.

The word ‘gambit’ is misleading. They should change the skill’s name.
