Tiamazus bug

I found this bug when Tiamazus enters it gets poisonedgiphy3061237580316234750

And the damage done by Sobeking’s secret ability is poor

What kind of battle was that? PVP? PVE?

How did u post gifs I tried one time and it didn’t worked lol

Was it the first time Tiamazus entered the battlefield?
Was it on the battlefield and got pushed back?


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Hi Dev I leave video for your analysis, regards

I think what happened here is when you did the Lunar double knock back terror was 1st one to go and the poison entrance dude poisoned tia before it was knocked back. This happens with blowback as well and I have been trying to explain it before.

Back when people complained malwing “putting itself asleep”, no it didn’t. The way this happens is when you use blowback when there is a dreamy entrance next in line on the enemy team, there’s a chance that the dreamy entrance can hit malwing while still doing the blowback. What happens then is usually none of your monsters on the field fell asleep but the malwing who blowbacked did. So when in this scenario malwing enters again it will enter the field asleep.

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The sobeking one was now mentioned by neo

Hi brother, what I did was cut the video and with GIPHY CAM I turned it into a gif

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Today in PvP a Freezecobra entered for the first time in the battle already poisoned and on the battlefield there wasn’t any other auto poison or stuff like that… i lost cause of that detox strike

monsters with auto poison all will always come in poisoned like scorpiogeist it also works like duscycion shield field so no it’s not a bug but tiamasuz is a bug because he isn’t supposed to poison allies

ok didn’t know that ty

He means that freezecobra was already poisoned from the very beginning of the match

I don’t think so, that’s what he said