Bond Quest feedback/discussion

I love the format of the event but 120 Battle are a crazy lot! Should be much less or less tickets!

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Raizen is so wise


First Ones unique conversation (available only if you obtain all First Ones):

Atrahasis: as the first of the first ones, and the master of Life and Death, I am the strongest amongst you all!

Ziberius: I won’t be so sure, for every ally of mine you dispose of, I only increase in strength!

Bovolcus: (roars) nobody beats me when it’s brute force we’re talking about! Every match is a deathmatch with me!

Metatherion: alas, I’m in a situation of disadvantage. My slumbering skills have no effect on you and I, the Harbinger of Eternal Slumber, must honourably admit I am in no position to challenge any of you by combat.

Raizen: I’m stun you and more second

Terragar: Terragar


btw in the story first one,only bovolcus can’t speak normaly

Gorgodrake: “Bond with me all you want loser. I’ll still kill myself and lose you games.”


Doesn’t he say stuff like “doom” and “death match”

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yes,he is only said “power” ,“deathmatch”

Yep, totally agree about the experience. I just finished hell mode and now I’m thinking that maybe I’ll reach my next rank next year. Since this is a lifetime event, they should also use it as a lifetime way for players to get a good amount of experience.

Also, about the power up idea due to the " bond increase", I don’t think it would be a good thing. PVP balance is already reaching the edge with this new op mythics, and the power up would totally screw everything even more. I do agree to the “another copy of the monster/7* tickets idea” though

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Love this new content BUT i think the tickets cost its too excessive 3300 tickets are 13.75 days grinding without letting a single ticket go to waste and taking in count all the events that require tickets during the month we will be able to barely complete 1 bond quest a month i think it should be halved OR at least reduce 10 tickets of each difficulty Level with a 10 tickets reduction will be 2100 tickets a massive lot too but nothing as crazy as 3300. As for the part of strengthening the bond i think De age fruits and silver are unnecessary rewards they could be change for something else maybe a leg pot as final reward or a 6* ticket (in the case the implement this change the high ticket requirement should stay because the rewards would be good enough to balance it). And the other issue i see here is the exp gain now we won’t be able to use our extra tickets to farm experience so i think this and ALL other events experience gain should be greatly increased. I love the fact the gave us a virtually unlimited source of free gems which is very important it will end up adding 20 gems to our monthly income which is 240 more gems in a year (i hope this isn’t used as a way to reduce the limited time events frequency).


Ahhhhhhhh, someone foresaw it . Good

Yep i know how things work in this game the amount of free gems aviable has been increased a lot latelly yet we have exactly the same monthly gem income than before… Luckily I’ve been tracking mine for 4 months now and I’m planing to do it for an entire year so i have evidence of what I’m saying

Rockoids: clap

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The rock: cries

Terragar again: Terragar again

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anyone else realize that this is the only page left in the Acheivements Monster Icon section? So this is to mean that the Icons available to be obtained in Bond Quest are just the SAME ICONS WE WERE GETTING FOR HATCHING LEGS ALREADY.

That’s pretty much a slap in the face of dissappointment… I dont have any gripes about the new content otherwise except that their should be at least a Legend Potion in the rewards.

:o you’re right

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Yea so there’s literally no reason to go to lvl 100 unless your monster is at 9+

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I’m not gonna say this is 100% right, but unless they did away with the old Avatars for Legends when they did Bond Quest, then they will be the same… so this grind is practically useless if you had the Legend before this update as you already have the Icon.

I like it more this way honestly, now every monster has an icon. No more, no less.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

You still get gems mate. The icon is just one of many rewards.