Bond Quest feedback/discussion

With this new MASSIVE permanent content in the game I’m sure lots of people have thoughts on it they want to share. I’ll write some myself to start us off…

Love it! A proper place to use excess tickets where we slowly work towards some very nice rewards. For older players this is an enormous number of free gems available that we’ll get over time.

Specific positives:

  • Working for icons is great
  • Using all our legendaries/mythics to do their specific bond is nice, hopefully making us appreciate them all
  • Great amount of gems available
  • Unique team building requirement

Specific negatives:

  • “strengthening the bond” kind of implies that the monster should get stronger, rather than simply you earning gems and an icon. I.e. The design could be better
  • Requiring +9 monsters… while I see this as a positive because it rewards people for getting +9 monsters I can imagine this will be seen as a negative by some (I could be completely wrong here)

Points for improvement:

  • Personally I think there’s a real missed opportunity here in the rewards. I reckon it would have been perfect to add an extra copy or two of the monster in the rewards so as you “strengthen the bond” you’re actually giving a little bonus to your legendary. For mythics this doesn’t work quite as well because an extra copy is a really big deal but perhaps there could be a 7* ticket here (quite a big ask I know).

  • Increase the hero exp from the battles (e.g. Partnership = 2500xp, Friendship = 4000xp, Kinship = 6000xp). Otherwise we’ll never make it to high hero rank!

  • (From Lucrayzor + KD) Similar to Mythic Colosseum, make the monster you’re bonding be buffed and the team you create have monster limit of 10.

  • (From part of the playerbase) Reduce the tickets cost of the battles because we’ll never manage to get through all the grinding. (KD) I see this as a positive because it’s always there for us to work on, steadily gives us extra gems and we pick which icons to work towards.


I love this event idea, but I wish the event requirements were more unique to our “bonder” monsters.

For example, Scorpiogeist has absolutely no bug support, maybe his requiremements could have been:

  • no protectors in team (partnership)
  • no protectors + 3 other poison monsters in team (friendship)
  • no protectors + a toxic entrance + 6 other poison monsters in team (kinship)
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It just seems like a lot of work, what they needed was a way for f2p to awaken mythics, just grinding for more gems isn’t new.


I like this new feature, with this feature players can be more creative in forming a team and liking their favorite monsters. However, this feature costs a lot of tickets. 20 tickets for 100exp and even that will only add to the level 1 bond which is (a bit stingy). I think what if the ticket consumption is only 10-15 tickets.


I thought he was a bug

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Yeah, you’re right. The “geist” in the name tricked me.


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Agreed with you and @S-lovers: I love the concept of this event, it requires more teambuilding and that’s really the reason I like this game. It also encourages the player to put new monsters to use instead of the same monsters of always, and that’s wonderful too!

The problem lays in the cost and rewards. Spending 3300 tickets to max out a monster’s bond is REALLY much, considering we are rewarded with 20 gems and an Icon for doing so: for example, the Ultimate Challenge rewards you with 20 gems if you beat four Gatekeepers, which requires 20 UC tickets (assuming you win all battles).

I think either the rewards should be slightly increased (perhaps including potions/copies of the monster itself) or have the cost decreased (10-15-20 tickets, which means every monster costs 1650 tickets to max out). I don’t think the monster should actually get stronger, as that could make S+ monsters even more OP… The only strengthening they should receive is increasing their fusion number.

We could even get some special conversation between our monsters, to show how their bond has grown!

Blossomight: “Kamishogun, why do you always wear that mask?”

Kamishogun: “it’s a menpo. It’s designed to strike fear into my opponents.”

Sanguinymph: “guys help Sanctistag is causing problems again!”

Raizen: “Raizen”


3300 tickets? Holy ■■■■, I didn’t know. That’s mad steep!

It still should cost more than normal online events though, as this is permanent.

This is a great idea, yes!


Like, a special conversation you unlock if you have certain monsters in your collection.

If you have Kamishogun, Canishogun and Kaerukenshi you would unlock a conversation about swordmanship, samurai discipline and ethics.

If you have Solariel, Serazael and Azrazel you would behold a conversation about religion, holy matters and deities.

If you have Felimancer, Meowzard and Espereye/Focalforce, you would see a conversation about the magic arts.

If a game has personality, it’s more enjoyable by everyone. Neo Monsters would get even better than now (waifus aside, it think it’s a great game) and even more likeable!

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Yea the cost is high but it’s for the long game. My only real opinion is a little more exp would be nicer in the early levels and a bonus copy or 2 should definitely be given. After all, getting them to 9+ is really hard.

As much as I want them to get stronger through bonding I bet his would prove to be a nightmare for at least 4 seasons of pvp where all the whales will do it right away and those of us not willing to dump gems into tickets would have weaker monsters for a while until we catch up


You forget the first ones would have interesting conversations

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When I opened the bond quest and there were 3 bond levels I thought the higher the bond level the monster will get a little buff which each bond level

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Can we get Bond Quests for limited Super Epics too by the way?

I really, really want that Antistan icon!

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tickets too high

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Yeah i agree…i find bond quests really interesting for meta game but man…20 tickets per quest??There are always pve content events to complete!!I’m sure devs will fix it soon…

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Oh yeah I forgot people would complain it costs too many tickets. Guys it’s permanent content which is meant to be done over the course of playing the game rather than completed in a few months and barely revisited. I highly approve of it being the main place we can use tickets in-between the limited-time events. Grinding free gems in these periods will feel great!

However, I agree that the hero exp gained from the battles should be reasonable. If we’re going to spend our years farming these battles then it would be nice if it works towards our hero rank.


I have no problems with the slow grind, but 3300 tickets is incredibly steep to complete one.

Remember that some still have Hell Mode to grind, and those who don’t usually have incredibly large collections to complete this bond quest with. Plus more will come with every egg opening.

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half tickets is good

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It usually takes more than a month to complete a challenge.and it requires you have +9 monster.

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Yeah, permanent content to work on and earn gems from. We might never get through it all but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The rate we earn gems from it is roughly 1.5 gems a day (assuming we can do the +9 bonus section). That’s nothing special but also a lot better than something like this could be. If you told most people who make sure they use up their tickets each day they’ll be getting 1.5 gems for their efforts I think they’d be happy. It just seems like a daunting task overall.

P.S. This is all personal feedback at the end of the day. Go ahead and write what you want.

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